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WOW! can move fingers without pain . . .

This is first day I can type with both hands, using middle finger of right hand. Still cannot floss teeth or tie shoes. And . . . miracle of miracles, thanks to herbal laxative senna leaf powder, early this morning I accomplished my one goal for the day, TAKING A SHIT!

Plus, since 10 pm last night have been off pain meds (hydrocodon plus acetaminophen).

Friends and neighbors bring me soups.

Son Colin does my dishes and cares for rabbits.

I need someone who would like to walk puppy Shadow . . .

This morning I discovered waking times. Check it out. Unusually thoughtful, nuanced essays.

My typing rate is about 10% of usual rate.

Very interesting, this enforced “break,” as Laura Bruno commented. Thanks! Made me laugh out loud.

All in all I view this as a slow-way-down experience that is teaching me immense lessons on multiple levels.

So grateful!

0 thoughts on “WOW! can move fingers without pain . . .”

  1. I’m happy for you on two things: the gratitude you have for seeing this as an opportunity to slow down and reflect, and second, on the poo. Yay! Those kind of victories are the real “rubber meets the road” ones. 😉

    I’m sorry that there is pain and that this break interferes with the groove your life had been in, but I am grateful along with you that this is a chance to tune into some new things. The twists and turns sure are interesting, aren’t they?

    Hang in there. 🙂

  2. Ann…… You may have had experiences with it but if not, I highly recommend Acutonics. Sound vibrational healing. It has blown me away with its direct application and rapid changes in my field and body.

    Steven Monaco

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