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GANG Garden

The Green Acres Neighborhood Garden (GANG) was founded in 2009. For posts from those first two years, including six workshops in 2009 and seven workshops in 2010, go to Urban Farmstead at tendrepress.com.

The GANG’s url, ganggarden.wordpress.com, which has been mostly inactive in the last few years; all GANG-related posts have ended up on exopermaculture instead.

As of late 2014, the Green Acres Neighborhood Garden has an active facebook page that is administered by one of my Green Acres Ecovillage podmates, Katarina Koh.

(May 31, 2015: I’m working on getting this long list completed. . .)


March 14: Today we planted seeds

April 3, 2011: Seedlings Doing Fine (most of them)

April 19, 2011: New Green Acres Neighborhood Blogsite

April 19, 2011: 2011 GANG Workshop Series

April 19, 2011: GANG workshop #1: Growing Shitaki Mushrooms

April 24, 2011: Our First Cob Oven Pizza Party, YES!

May 4, 2011: Workshop#2: Plant the Garden!

June 14, 2011: LOCAL ACTION, June 25th, Mark that Date!

June 15, 2011: Personal Meltdown: Postpartum

June 30, 2011: June 25th, Big Day: First, the Earthen Workshop

June 30,2011: June 25th, Big Day: Second, the Children’s Workshop

July 1, 2011: June 25, Big Day: Third, Summer Solstice Pizza Party and Celebration

July 13, 2011: GANG garden growing

August 2, 2011: Garden workshop next Sunday (and weather not so hot that day)

August 7, 2011: We need to garden as if our lives depend on it

August 10, 2011: Workshop: Summer Assessment, Seeds, and Planting the Fall Garden

November 5, 2011: News about current conundrum at the GANG garden, and a way through

November 5, 2011: My season of discontent: the “political” — is personal, is conflicted, is connected, is community

November 14, 2011: Occupy the GANG Garden, next Sunday, November 20, 9:45 A.M. for Ceremony and Celebration

November 23, 2011: Local Action, “True Grit”: How we and the GANG have begun to transform a seemingly destructive situation

November 26, 2011: Here’s our report on last Sunday’s Ceremony of Impermanence


January 8, 2012: GANG garden and Green Acres Ecovillage hit the news

January 14, 2012: Vandana Shiva: Start A Garden!

February 1, 2012: New Life at GANG for 2012

March 20, 2012: Balancing Spring: Equinox and the GANG

March 26, 2012: LOCAL ACTION: In my little corner of our increasingly glorious despite all reports to the contrary world

March 29, 2012: Food Security: To Thrive, We Must First Survive

April 26, 2012: Ommigod. FRUIT!

May 14, 2012: LOCAL ACTION: Required! “Fire Blight” on the Pear Tree?, Plus: GIFTS! Roots for tonics, plants for plantings; more on Garden Tower . . .

May 23, 2012: Urban Farming: Today’s challenge is to bring food back into our cities in a much more visible and tangible way

May 13, 2012: HELP! Pear tree falling victim, to what?

June 9, 2012: Solace in Solitude

June 16, 2012: Time to party at the GANG garden

June 18, 2012: Help save our garden!

June 20, 2012: Grow with the Flow: Recycling Diluted Human Urine into Plants

June 25, 2012: GANG: Summer Solstice Garden Party Honors Pachamama

June 25, 2012: What’s REAL Homeland Security? Earth Day workers

June 25, 2012: GANG Garden, Children’s Workshop!

July 1, 2012: Beans!

July 1, 2012: Blackberries!

July 17, 2012: In the body and in the garden: cycles of grief and celebration

August 16, 2015: Adapting to drought in the GANG garden

August 25, 2012: Survival Gardening in the Heat: Appreciate and utilize plants that are difficult to get rid of, because they can survive anything!

September 12, 2012: Scavaging for the GANG garden: This morning, grass clippings!

September 15, 2012: Scored Again! Woodchips from the city!

November 13, 2012: Hugelkultur! Plus dinner and dreaming


April 22, 2013: Photo Essay, Work Day YES! Thanks, everyone!

June 21, 2013: Notes on this Glorious Summer Solstice Morning

July 15, 2013: Permaculture 101: Reframe “Losing the battle with a pokeweed forest” to “Aha! What have we here? And how does it work with everything else? And how to “get a yield?””

August 21, 2013: Permaculturist Peter Bane: “Sooner or later we’ll have 50 million new farmers in this country . . . mostly backyard, front yard, empty lots . . .”

September 23, 2013: Blessings of the Waters Equinox Ceremony, GANG garden!

October 29, 2013: Green Acres Neighborhood 2013 Harvest Party: (The usual question, “Will anybody come?”) Read on.

December 7, 2013: On a snowy day, a sunny solar array . . .


April 29, 2014: Green Acres Neighborhood Potluck, April 2014: We gathered in the GANG garden . . .

May 10, 2014: In the GANG Garden on the day before Mother’s Day

May 21, 2014: GANG Garden: Annual Plant Swap, plus assorted fabulous finds

May 22, 2014: The GANG garden: Death, Life, Death, Life . . .

June 2, 2014: GANG Garden/Urban Farmstead News: Work, Relationships, Timing, Glory

June 5, 2014: From-Above-to-Below Department: Rebecca and Me with “Betsy” — to the dump, to get tanks, to greet turkeys!

June 10, 2014: The GANG Garden, Ecovillage: What are the three requirements for long term success? A story from today.

June 12, 2014: Miracles of the Mundane: Mimosa, glasses, dremel tool! YES!

June 20, 2014: The GANG garden on the day before Summer Solstice, 2014

June 21, 2014: YES! Summer Solstice Ceremony in the GANG Garden, 6/21/14, 6:30 AM!

July 14, 2014: New Green Acres Post: The Uncanny Project Report

August 20, 2014: GANG garden news: water catchment victory and plant profusion

August 21, 2014: GANG garden news: pathetic potato harvest

September 23, 2014: Autumn Equinox, 2014: Current State of our Green Acres Urban Farmstead

October 24, 2014: Today’s GANG garden news — and more

October 27, 2014: Late October, 2014: Gasland and GANG (photo essay)

December 4, 2014: GANG news, early December, 2014: one podmate bows out, plus our first “joint production”

December 6, 2014: PHOTO ESSAY: December 6, Bloomington, Indiana: Dreary outside, lively inside . . .

December 17, 2014: Holiday Open House approaches . . . 23 minutes to go . . .

December 18, 2014: PHOTO ESSAY: Green Acres Holiday Open House


January 4, 2015: On Starting A Movement: “It’s the first follower that transforms the lone nut into a leader.”

January 11, 2015: Moving Forward Department: Complaint, or creativity, which shall it be?

January 15, 2015: Photo Essay: Pod Life in the GANG, Mid-January 2015

January 21, 2015: LOCAL Green Acres News and Photos (and Video!), January 19, 2015: Two projects launched!

February 24, 2015: Albert Bates, Naomi Klein, and Late Winter Green Acres News

March 29, 2015: GANG Garden: Our New Broad Fork Arrives. Yaaay!

March 29, 2015: GANG Project: Repair and Improve Front Yard Mound — Done! Thank you!

March 30, 2015: LOCAL: After two long months, Katarina’s Green Acres Grant Group turns in the application!

April 1, 2015: What tiny, common garden resident both composts dead matter and cleans up the soil?

April 25, 2015: LOCAL: “Start a huge, foolish project”: Grant Application Successful!

April 26, 2015: PHOTO ESSAY: Green Acres Ecovillage pod life: April 23-25, 2015

April 29, 2015: LOCAL: “Start a huge, foolish project”: Grant Application Successful!

May 27, 2015: New Garden Tower anchors the GANG Garden

June 2, 2015: PHOTO ESSAY: GANG garden, this morning

June 13, 2015: GANG news, June 12, 2015: Permaculture experiment discovery! Plus new project photos.

June 6, 2015: LOCAL: Farmers Market, Blooming Neighborhoods — and “Puller Bear”!

July 22, 2015: GANG Garden 2015 growing season: The Experiment






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August 15, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Thank You, Sydney and Team Kraken, for…
August 15, 2021 at 2:09 am
Are the spores to the pesticide, available…
August 9, 2021 at 6:44 pm
Will check out this reference. Thanks!
August 9, 2021 at 5:59 pm
The fact that a bunch of psychopaths…
August 9, 2021 at 5:05 pm
Fixed. Thank you!
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