Check it out. Full Moon 22+° Gemini, with Sun opposite (as are all full moons) at 22+° Sagittarius.
Now check out Trump’s chart, born under a full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius, with the planets reversed, and ALSO AT 22+°.
Sabian symbol for 22-23 degree of Gemini:
Three fledglings in a nest, high in a tree. (Trump tower?)
Sabian symbol for 22-23 degree of Sagittarius:
A Group of Immigrants As They Fulfill the Requirements of Entrance into the New Country (Really? If so, given Trump’s stated views on immigration, WOW!)
Oh my! Who knows what those symbols, when taken together, portend. In any case, this Full Moon highlights Donald Trump’s Full Moon birth exactly, situated as it is, in the exact same degree.
Given that — no surprise, since he was born under fierce, communicative airy/fiery Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon — the Donald’s insouciant audacity continues to astound, I do wonder just how this Super Full Moon is to play out within and around him during the next 48 hours or so.
1 thought on “Tomorrow’s Full Moon bears Trump’s exact astrological Full Moon signature!”
Cool. Keep up the good work sister. Oly Wa