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Today’s GANG garden news — and more

I’ve been completing the review of the editing of my manuscript, A Soul’s Journey, which I vowed to finished prior to Mercury turning to go direct. Just as I was about to get to the final chapter, Rebecca walked in and ordered me outside, “Get out there! The summer is coming to a close! Get in that sunshine!”

Well, she may not know this, but while she was away in California I’ve been outside in the GANG garden every single day for about a week now, at least one hour, sometimes two, harvesting tomatoes, lotuses from the pond and leaves — plus pulling up tomato plants and drying the ever-replenishing stores of tomatoes as they go from green to blushing red, and you know? I think today I shall take a break and repair myself to Target to get new underwear!

Part of my task these past days, was to take out the dying tomato plants that had climbed up the fence, chop them up, and put back on the same beds as mulch. Now you can actually see through the fence! For months, it had been a solid green wall.


I now think I should have left a few of the plants there to brace against winter wind. Too late . . .

Yesterday I harvested leaves from my front yard onto a big tarp and then stomped on them to crush them — all as mulch for beds. Question: when leaves turn from green to brown: does that mean that they change from nitrogen to carbon? Must look that up.

For the past week Duncan has worked to dig up the layers of composted wood chips that have been on the paths and putting that on the beds, as mulch. Then of course, add new chips to the now bare paths. Good idea and an ambitious project. Told him it feels like he’s terraforming.

Rebecca just warned me not to harvest the daikon radishes randomly scattered throughout the beds. Said they store well in the ground, and she wants them later for kim chi.

The garden is looking so old-fashionedly sweet, don’tcha think?


Still need to pound that sign down a bit so it doesn’t walk off.

The six podmates (in this first two house pod of the Green Acres Neighborhood Ecovillage) have decided to hold two gardening work parties the next two Sundays in late afternoon, to complete the process of getting the garden to bed for the winter. Will seed more mini-clover grass on those beds thus mulched.

After the second one, I’ve already emailed the neighborhood about our “Post-Halloween Scary Stories Potluck and Bonfire” here, starting at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, November 2. Stories required, masks optional.

That’s three days before I leave on a 12-day flight to this year’s Crones Counsel (Nov 5-09) in St. George Utah, then four days camping in Zion, and finally, the UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada (Nov. 14-16). All within hours of one another, and all with my good friend and fellow UFO buff and crone, Joan Bird. Yay!

Okay, time to get that underwear. It’s one purchase I do not make at Goodwill.



Here’s a

0 thoughts on “Today’s GANG garden news — and more”

  1. Mari Braveheart-Dances

    Thank you for sharing this about your garden. How inspiring you all are! How beautiful your garden is! Blessing on your big trip! Mari

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