Sorry folks, again formatting issues, which seem to be turning random . . . Now I can’t fonts and sizes to work . . . VERY Saturn/Uranus. Saturn, the “formatting” (structure) that I set up which has worked for three years just fine. And now, Uranus: fuck that!
America’s Nazi Allies in Israel and Ukraine
by Eric Zuesse
The U.S. is now the chief sponsor of two nazi, ethnically cleansing, nations. In one of them (Ukraine), the U.S. President, Barack Obama, himself placed nazis into control there; the nazi control was imposed by him, via his agents. In the other (Israel), nazis have controlled for decades, and Obama merely extends their control by continuing American support.
The difference between nazism and mere fascism is that, as exemplified by Mussolini, fascism is pure “corporationism” (see page 426 there), not necessarily racist; whereas nazism, as exemplified by Hitler, is a profoundly and ineradicably racist, usually religious-based, form of fascism. It’s “corporationism” plus ethnic bigotry. Hitler’s version of nazism happened to be focused against Jews, but that’s not necessary to nazism; any racist fascism is nazi. (NOTE: a lower-case “nazi” is any nazi, but an upper-case one, a “Nazi,” refers to a member of Hitler’s Party, which was Germany’s nazi party, the first-ever nazi party, the original “Nazi Party.” Similarly, Mussolini’s party was the Italian “Fascist” party, the first fascist party, but other nations have their own fascist and/or nazi parties.)
. . .
Consequently, the U.S. is the world’s leading state sponsor of nazism in our time. The aristocratically controlled U.S. “news” media don’t report this ugly fact (America’s fascist and even nazi leadership) to the American public, but it’s true nonetheless. Readers here are thus encountering here American “samizdat.” It’s banned truth, but of the U.S. variety, instead of the U.S.S.R. variety. There’s no difference: Like in the Soviet Union, Hitler’s Germany, and other dictatorships, our “news media” are actually propaganda-media.
One might have thought that FDR had won his battle against nazism and fascism, but those ideologies — even nazism — unfortunately survived (due to the constant propaganda from our aristocracy) and have thrived in the U.S. to such an extent that, in a sense, what FDR fought for, which is progressive democracy, has since been destroyed, right here inside the United States itself. It has been destroyed not only by the Republican Party (which at least after Nixon has had an actual fondness for fascism, and even for nazism), but also by the recent “Democratic” Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, rotting the Democratic Party from its very topmost, best-funded pro-aristocratic level, the Party’s financial pinnacle, even if not yet from its middle and lower levels, which still remain rather progressive populist, though that too will soon be gone if no Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives soon brings forth a resolution to impeach Obama, as he must be impeached, if America (and especially the Democratic Party itself) is to retain any honor, and if democracy is not totally to die here. Republicans could not disown George W. Bush because he really was a Republican. If Democrats do not disown Barack Obama, then Democrats display themselves as being equally despicable and unpatriotic, and now is our only remaining chance to separate ourselves from Republicans in a way that’s more than merely rhetorical, more than merely “lesser-of-two-evils” fake “liberalism” (or whatever else Democrats might then emptily claim to be).
President Obama is not only the very first U.S. President to install an outright nazi government anywhere, but he is going so far as to try to strong-arm European leaders to accept it (his Ukrainian nazi regime) into the EU. In a sense, therefore, he is even out-doing George W. Bush and his murderous, vile, and totally unwarranted, invasion of Iraq, for which Bush should be in prison, if this nation has any honor, or any real hope.
Without accountability, there can only be dictatorship. America must now choose whether to restore its democracy, for we have certainly lost it. Today’s America would have this nation’s great Founders twisting in their graves. We can do better. We must — if we are Americans, as they (our Founders) did all they could, hoping that we would be. It can be done, and it should be done. And the available time-window to do it is fast closing. And only we can do it. (Republicans, in their own self-interest, refuse to do it.)
[NOTE: This news report and analysis were offered as an exclusive to the following, none of which accepted it for publication, nor responded in any way: The Daily Beast, Salon, Slate, Huffington Post,Mother Jones, Progressive, The Nation, Harper’s, The Atlantic, New Yorker, New York Review of Books, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, TIME, McClatchy, Guardian, Bloomberg, AP. It was then submitted in the regular way to all news-outlets.]
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
White Flags Mysteriously Appear on Brooklyn Bridge
by Lily Dane | The Daily Sheeple
Something strange is afoot in NY this morning…
The two American flags that normally fly over the Brooklyn Bridge were somehow replaced by white flags.
CBS News reported that “a hint of stars and strips can be seen on the white flags,” and the NY Postsaid that emergency services cops lowered the flags and packed them up with what appeared to be painting supplies.
As of now, no one knows who placed them there – or how they were able to breach security, scale the bridge, and place the flags unnoticed.
A plain white flag is an internationally recognized symbol of surrender or truce, as explained byWorldFlags101:
The flag indicates peace and is usually flown or waved in times of war. Soldiers who are carrying a white flag should not be fired on and in turn they should not fire upon anyone. If an individual negotiator is carrying the white flag it means he is unarmed and has come in peace with the intent to surrender or negotiate.
A white flag is made of any material available at the time and it is the symbol itself, not the flag, which signifies its meaning. A white hanky or white paper may be used to indicate the person’s intentions. People carrying the white flag are expected to remain neutral and are not allowed to participate in war-like acts.