Note: The Siberia/Mongolia series is archived here.
Well, it just never ceases to amaze. As the political, economic, matrix world goes absolutely batshit crazy, the contrast between the seriously, hilariously nutty human phantasmagoria and Nature’s underlying interwoven beauty and harmony increases to the point where, if we don’t dramatically expand our minds and hearts, there is absolutely no way we will be able to include both the horror and the glory as aspects of what we do, indeed, have to deal with here on Planet Earth in this possibly fateful summer of 2017.
And, as the T-shirts that I’m ordering for us Green Acres Village folk say, external is a reflection of internal. “Two wolves fight inside each of us. The one that wins is the one you feed.”
So, in this vein, let’s pursue the god intoxication a bit further, shall we? Let’s feed that wolf. What strikes me today, is how Nature is similar everywhere on Earth —if allowed to “do her thing.” Oh yes, there are all sorts of artificial environments that we humans have constructed on top of her and underneath her, but underneath, and even interwoven into all of them, She is still there, humming along, much more powerful than any of our silly weapons that we use to kill each other off.
J.K., my collaborator in this series, and roommate on the Siberia/Mongolia trip, has justsent me photos from the tiny, beautiful sacred healing herb garden she tends to in the East Village, New York City.
Some people are so bound and determined to preserve and protect their own piece of healing ground that they live there alone for decades. For example:
Meet the man who has lived alone on this island for 28 years
Meet the woman who has lived on one of the world’s most remote islands for 40 years ALONE
While I very much appreciate and respect the impulse to preserve and protect nature, I have trouble with the idea that the only pure way is to do it alone. In fact, I would call human beings, no matter which wolf we feed, as part of nature, too. Yes! Let’s celebrate our connectivity to, indeed, our communion with each other, no matter how separate we are taught (mind-controlled) to be-LIE-ve we are.
Here’s one man who does live in community with others, and seems to have also made a lifelong vow to preserve and protect that portion of nature for which he feels responsible, my dear friend Ted Blodgett, longtime shepherd of Oakwood Center, near Selma InDiana (do notice how I spell it, how Ted spells it, how it should be spelled! We live In Diana! Goddess of the Woodland!). I received an email from Ted this morning, thanking me for the Reich quote, and sending along a piece that bloomed out of him early last Sunday morning at dawn, after immersion in Oakwood’s outdoor pool.
Thankful For
Thankful for the Sun, the source of Light and Life
Thankful for the Moon, holding this Earth in Love’s embrace
Thankful for all members of the Solar body, moving in conjugal union
Thankful for the stars, ceaseless cotillions of companion worlds
Thankful for this Earth our Home among the stars
Thankful for water, the Fountain of Life
Thankful for air, the Breath of Life
Thankful for earth, the Home of Life
Thankful for fire, the Power and Glory of the Creator
Thankful for the East, let it Come
Thankful for the South, let it Happen
Thankful for the West, let it Go
Thankful for the North, Praise God from whom al blessings flow
Thankful for the microbiome, in, on and above the Earth, the myriads of custodians that let health and wellbeing flourish
Thankful for the trees, stewards of water, air, earth, and sunlight
Thankful for the grass, holding the soil in its place, feeding the creatures that roam
Thankful for all herbaceous plants, displaying beauty and giving sustenance to all creatures great and small
Thankful for birds of the air, sweet in song, magnificent in flight
Thankful for the creatures of the high places, of desert, of forest and glen, of field, of marshland, of rivers, lakes and seas
Thankful for everything Life has brought together in this Home by Love’s command
Thankful for the presence of suffering, faithfully bearing witness to deviations from the design and control of Truth
Thankful to the creative cycles and rhythms made freely available to all things through Wisdom without end
Thankful for the water that refreshes us
Thankful for the air that inspires us
Thankful for the earth that nourishes us
Thankful for the fire that fills everything with Life
Thankful for our ancestors, who have passed the torch to us
Thankful for our parents, who gave us the gift of incarnation
Thankful for all our kin, who give us a surround of family
Thankful for our friends, who give us care and support
Thankful for our children, who have received the torch from us
Thankful for this Life
Thankful for this moment
Thankful without Ceasing
And let me add, thankful for the constant radiant presence of Ted!
Meanwhile, this morning, Shadow and I took a walk InDiana this morning, a path in Griffy Lake’s Woods, a few miles north of Bloomington, and I took a few pics that remind me of the central message: Nature is similar everywhere on Earth; she always provides, through similar forms, no matter how diverse or trampled upon. I challenge you to figure out which two photos are from a walk downhill to Lake Baikal in Siberia, and which two photos are from this morning’s walk InDiana. The winner gets a tour of Green Acres Village and Urban Farm, plus a night in our newly freed-up guest room. Any takers?
I will let you know which pics are from which place later . . .
7 thoughts on “Siberia/Mongolia, plus New York/InDiana: My emerging God intoxication, part 2”
Lots of Faery beings in the Griffy Park Woods photos!
Griffy Lake Woods. 🙂
photo 1 and 3 Siberia
photo 2 and 4 InDiana
You got it half right. Try again?
First and last in Indiana. Middle ones Siberia
Yep! You got it. P.S. Readers should know that Rebecca, who lives here in Green Acres Village, often visits Griffy Lake trails herself, so NO WONDER!
One & three Baikal…2 & 4 in Diana!…Or maybe the woods behind our house here in SE Ohio.
Oh now I see the true answer above…..oh well!