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In response to Laura Bruno’s response to Ines Radman: Let us be patient with our impatience!

Image: 3bp.blogspot.com

Laura Bruno details her discovery of what it actually costs in U.S. dollars to do the right thing by creating a permaculture garden. And yes, it’s not inexpensive! Though costs do go down as the garden becomes more and more productive.

Laura’s description of our current need for money to enable us to the right thing comes in response to one woman, Ines Radman (who, as I recall, lives somewhere in eastern Europe and who has also commented on this site, way back when), her admonition that we all get together and just “crash the economic system.” Laura:

Incremental and Lasting Change: Create New Systems and Safety Nets Before Summoning Destruction

Oh yeah, Ines, please know that I too, have those fantasies. Constantly! My own preference would be for a tax revolt. But as we all know, not nearly enough of us are awake enough to know that we could count on all of us putting our lives (our physical freedom) on the line  in that kind of collective action.

Meanwhile, what do we do? And how do we live with our powerful impatience to see that a transition to a more just and regenerative world does come to pass? Like Laura, I would suggest that we must focus right here, right now, on what lies in front of us and what resources we can bring to bear in our own situation to help in the global transformation, which — yes! — is occurring, little by little, everywhere!

And not just “on the ground.” But in our souls!

Meanwhile, perhaps just as crucial during this fraught, climactic crisis on our beloved planet is that we learn to notice our impatience, really notice it, on a moment to moment basis, while releasing the need to act on it. Let us learn to pay attention to where in our body that icky, staticky impatience sits and festers, how it impacts our blood pressure, our mood and attitude, how we just want to get it all over an done with, now! Enough with the suffering!

Well yes, wouldn’t it be wonderful if suffering could just be over and done with! And yet, it is our very capacity to endure conscious suffering that stirs the cauldron of our strong, conflicting desires and transmutes this boiling toxic stew into compassion — for ourselves, for others, for Earth herself. After all, did we not all agree, pre-birth, to hold our noses while jumping like fools into incarnation on Earth during this time of the Great Shift? After all, did we not all agree, pre-birth, to both passionately participate in and neutrally serve as witnesses to the ongoing regeneration of aliveness on this beautiful planet that, over time, over teensy weensy gradual increments of time, can and will, once again, both value and nourish all beings?

Let us remember:  all deeply rooted changes take an immense time to enact. And its corollary: Anything that can be done quickly, can also be quickly reversed.

There’s one quote, I have no idea where I found it, or when, but have been pondering it  ever since, as a warning, given my own impetuous, fiery nature, to not create even more  karma:

“Whenever I grow impatient

I feel the press of time

place obstacles in space,

and start a new chain of causation.”



2 thoughts on “In response to Laura Bruno’s response to Ines Radman: Let us be patient with our impatience!”

  1. Thanks for the additional wisdom, Ann! Also, see Ines’ comments under my post. She’s quite the “Green Angel” herself. Very encouraging when we see all these little spots of the web connecting across the planet. It’s happening. Thank you for modeling alternative paths to community, connection and peaceful tending of our Earth and each other, as well.

  2. Great as always Ann. Just when I think I have outwitted, I learn that I’m not alone here and that great ideas start with great people and then collectively work together to bring for solutions! I’m humbly grateful for both you and Laura, such wisdom and knowledge. I keep forgetting that I have left the American/Canadian domain and have switched over to a European way of thinking. Can’t compare 360+ million people in the US to 4.5 million in Croatia. If the power went out today, life would go on. I always say that should the power go out, we would survive much easier because we still depend on growing our own food, in other words, we still live in the natural primitive way. I can’t buy instant foods, they don’t exist in markets. We grow our own food and cook from scratch. Most people don’t know what MSG is here. Have to remind myself that our worlds are much different therefore, my perspective is as well. Thanks Ann!

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