Denise Grady, in the New York Times, April 4, 2011, writes with unusual lucidity on radiation and its various health effects. Check it out.
In this article I was struck by her description of why radioactive elements are dangerous:
“Those elements are dangerous because they are made up of atoms with unstable centers, or nuclei. Seeking greater stability, they constantly emit energy radiation, in the form of waves like gamma rays or X-rays, and as particles smaller than atoms.”
Couple the above with a quote about radiation from Ingrid Naiman, on her site
“Let’s just say that instability fosters a kind of pandemonium that demands radical measures.”
Does this not describe the internal situation of most human beings? Uncentered, de-stabilized, seeking greater stability, constantly emiting energy radiation, demanding radical measures?
As within, so without. As above, so below.
Once again, as David Icke reminds us, let us shift our consciousness, to become centered, whole, holy.