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Post on HOW WE DIE goes viral and generates an extraordinary comment section

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I feel humbled to realize that just by reposting an immensely articulate and heartfelt article about an extremely timely subject with a new title and tiny introduction to set it in context — this outpouring! More each day. Tens of thousands more. Over 5000 per hour this morning. Please do read the commentary it has inspired. To me, the response feels like a dam is bursting. Let’s intend that this intense collective responsiveness jumpstart a movement towards conscious dying, including what we might call “deathing” centers for those who feel their own lives drawing to a close and wish to decide and enact their own leave-taking from this precious world.

How we used to die; how we die now.


0 thoughts on “Post on HOW WE DIE goes viral and generates an extraordinary comment section”

  1. I am already supporting DND in Canada and completely agree with the views expressed. As an 87 year old with chest wired closed because of heart surgery,my greatest fear now is in an emergency (to me) well-meaning strangers will start applying CPR. I do not want to survive with my chest torn apart at my age.

  2. It was a beautiful post and obviously closer to the hearts of more Americans than realized. My mother was a nurse at a nursing care center and wanted to die with her family around her rather than in a nursing home. In fact, her worse nightmare was being a patient in a nursing home. She was asked if she wanted to be re-intubated and was told that if she was her life would consist of 24 hour nursing care in a nursing home. She declined. She asked if she could go have a picnic with her family before she died but because of her MRSA that was not possible. But they did give us a private room at the end of a hall that was empty of patients due to renovations. She had her husband of 45 years and all 6 of her children singing hymns around her bed. She heard us chit- chatting as she slowly lost consciousness and then took her last breath that same night. I wish she could have been by her bedroom window with her beloved pet dog at her feet and the usual sounds of family life around her, but the very fact that she chose not to continue living a life without quality told me a whole lot. There are just some things that need to be left in the capable hands of God, or nature, however you want to look at it.

    Thank you for that BEAUTIFUL article.

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