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On the Eve of the 17th Anniversary of 9/11: David Ray Griffin, on the Rabbit Hole Origins and Evolution of the U.S.A.

Ever since I was two years old, and woke up during a radio broadcast of Hiroshima, amidst the cheers of my mother and her sisters and parents, I’ve been chronically astonished, and underneath, deeply depressed, that I still, to this day, live in a nation where its peoples are basically asleep. Asleep to what we as a nation have done to others around the world, to the peoples who populated this land before we Europeans arrived, to those leaders who would fight to put an end to the perfidy, e.g. JFK, and to ourselves, those who fell off the Towers or were consumed by flames on 9/11, drummed up to instantly usher in both the Patriot Act and the forever War on Terror, and continuous, murderous “false flag” events to drum up fear, terror, division, gun confiscation, and ultimately, globalism, centralized authority.

Now, following his book on 9/11, Edward Curtin presents a review of David Ray Griffin’s new book, detailing the long, and deeply ugly, backstory to that event.

A Diabolic False Flag Empire:

Is American Trajectory

Divine or Demonic?

2 thoughts on “On the Eve of the 17th Anniversary of 9/11: David Ray Griffin, on the Rabbit Hole Origins and Evolution of the U.S.A.”

  1. When JFK was assassinated in 1963, I was a naive 17 year old senior in high school. My first thought was some foreign enemy and was ready to enlist and go fight the good fight. When I heard about the attacks of 9/11, as a seasoned activist, the first thing that came to my mind was George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and how they were going to use that against the American people.

    1. Me, too. “Inside Job,” the words came to me immediately, re: 911. And I would add one more, Rumsfeld. I had to put pictures of this triumverate on my altar, so much did I detest them, so much did I need to learn how to neutralize my own hatred.

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August 15, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Thank You, Sydney and Team Kraken, for…
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