Notes, during a morning thunderstorm, on “climate change,” hope and grief

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This morning, big, thunderous rain. A phenomenon I still treasure, given my childhood in the desert of south central Idaho. How rain makes trees grow! And grass, weeds, vegetables and flowers! Back home in Twin Falls, every tree grown was a deliberate human act, and we “watered” our lawns. Here, we constantly cut back branches, tiny trees, vines, everywhere growth, overgrowth, and all because of the water and the sun’s warmth and because of carbon dioxide, the bugaboo of climate change scientists, but in truth, says David Icke, “plant food.” The more carbon dioxide in the air, the faster and larger plants grow. True?

In any case, this is a provocative post, and dovetails with what I heard a number of years ago about the entire solar system “warming.” Note especially, the charts mapping solar sunspot activity with temperature over time. There does seem to be a direct, one-to-one correlation. And this does seem to be a “climate con.”

Meanwhile, I think it’s important that we focus not so much on “climate change,” because of course the climate is always changing — I think of it as Earth breathing — but on the consequences of industrial civilization and predatory capitalism which require continuous growth (not plant growth, but non-renewable planetary resources buried in the ground) to remain “viable” i.e., profitable. But hey, the planet is finite! Duh!

Thus we are reaching the end of the Industrial Age. That’s the essential fact, not that we’ve contributed to “climate change,” via all the noxious fumes, poisons, etc. produced by industrialization. No matter how guilty we each personally might feel about our own daily contribution to this throw-away culture, it doesn’t matter. Life goes on, adapting itself to changing conditions. Are we ready? Can we look our planetary/civilizational predicament in the eye? Can we adapt to what life might have in store for us? How our “comfortable life style” might be drastically disrupted?

It helps to think about our short time here on planet Earth as an adventure, and to recognize that, at times, the adventure intensifies.

Meanwhile, we might want to listen to this provocative excerpt from a talk by Stephen Jenkinson.

On Grief and Climate Change





About Ann Kreilkamp

PhD Philosophy, 1972. Rogue philosopher ever since.
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