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New Wilcock message: Divine intervention (and arrests) to proceed slowly, subtly

Unless you are new to the David Wilcock saga, you might want to just fast forward to the final few paragraphs of his new message. As with the last post, he spends a lot of time recapping his entire history yet again. Perhaps his life is so startling and radical and volatile that he needs continuous publicized recaps to re-integrate himself over and over again. If so, I can certainly understand!

Note that he doesn’t speak of the War or Peace choice that Drake and Cobra are focusing on — a type of discourse that, more and more, I agree with Kauilapele, functions heuristically as a dramatic way to clarify individual and collective intention.

Wilcock has always paid particular attention to his dreams, within which he discerns prophecy. Here are the final few paragraphs, including dreams that he and others have been gifted with recently.

Mass Arrests/Divine Intervention: New Briefings (Finally!)


Over the last 20 years, I have collected these dreams every morning — and they have been very reliable predictors of future events.

I had a cluster of 7 to 10 very strong dreams prior to 9/11, which spelled out what was going to happen so blatantly that I wrote them all up — linking to where they had already been posted on this site — that very same night.

By comparison, I’ve had literally hundreds of dreams preparing me for this. And they are getting increasingly urgent, dramatic and incredible in scope.


I could second-guess myself all day about whether I should be posting all of these dreams as they come in — but in various ways they keep phrasing and rephrasing exactly the same basic point.

One recent dream that came in after I was back from Europe is a good representation of the overall timbre of data I have been receiving.

In this dream, I was in a mountainous region that I know to be a place where much of the UFO-related “black ops” projects have been relocated to in America.

In this area, I saw a very curious structure. It was a very tall, skinny building, heavily leaning to one side. Gusts of wind caused it to noticeably shift in position.

Each level of the building was an old-fashioned one-room country shack house from the 1800s, with highly dilapidated wood. Each shack was completely empty inside.

There was no stairwell or ladder to move up through the structure. There were at least 20 levels. You would literally have to fly by helicopter or scale the walls to get from one “compartment” of this tower to the next.


I was standing there with a police officer who told me the whole building was about to collapse. I was told that once this happened it would radically change the entire world.

He told me this was our very last chance to climb the wall and get a look at history before it was gone forever.

However, another person had clearly warned me that the building was so close to collapsing that the weight of one person’s body climbing up the side would be enough to cause it to topple over.

I told the police officer it was far too risky. He could do it if he wanted to, but I would not put myself in the face of that much harm.

This dream is one of an ongoing series that seems to be describing the complete collapse of the occult financial system that has enslaved our planet — as well as the compartmentalized secrecy of the UFO and exotic technology cover-up.


Just last night I had another dream where “it” had happened — the arrests — and I was literally surrounded by press at every turn. I tried to escape it, but ultimately realized I needed to take the stage and do the press conference — as this was it.

I certainly understand how people can, and will, write this off as “ego” — but considering how reliable these dreams have been for the last 20 years, I have to take it seriously.

The previous dream from this same morning had me working directly with extraterrestrials, in a top-secret facility, promising them I would do my best to dissipate “interstellar racism” that has written them off as terrifying “Aliens.”

It was very strange and a little unnerving to be around them — it felt very real in the dream — but once we started speaking it put my mind at ease.


One of my main staff members had a remarkable dream from June 3rd, which had certain similarities to the earlier dream I had shared, as follows:

The Statue of Liberty had fallen over and crumbled apart, after a long period of rusting away. This happened in a plaza at the Vatican.

This event caused a huge, worldwide, jubilant celebration. I was one of the people who was there on site, dancing on the ruins of the head, a few days after it had happened.

Higher-level beings were showing me a movie as I danced. I didn’t always pay attention to it, but then I realized I should be.

In the movie, we were overhearing government people talking about what assets they were buying and when the economy was going to collapse.

White Americans were chuckling about how they had made these powerful value exchanges between something of value and US dollars. It seemed to alternate between diamonds, gold and Euros. They had dumped all of these assets for US dollars.

They were talking about how imminently the whole system would collapse – like it was going to happen tomorrow.

The movie was now obviously documenting history — as the big collapse had already happened by this point, and it was a wonderful thing.

There is going to be a lot of media fear-mongering as the old system grinds to a halt — probably exceeding the panic of 2008 — but in truth, this type of situation is exactly what we need to create sufficient public awareness to end the problem.


Divine Intervention has dramatically increased. There are a variety of specific examples I will include when I have more time.

The latest briefing revealed how much this Divine Intervention is shaping the strategy that will be used for the mass arrests.

It has become clear that this is a battle against an influence more than against people. And the influence, for lack of a better word, is the Luciferian force — which is described in the Law of One series in detail.

A sudden, violent mass arrest would cause extreme hardship, chaos and disruption to society. This is exactly what the Luciferian force wants.

Now, it is becoming clear that the Divine Intervention is guiding this whole process so that it is occurring bit by bit, here and there, so as to minimize fear and maximize effectiveness.

There will be very big changes — but it has now been realized that rather than assigning a particular date to it, they are watching events unfold and seeing how things keep miraculously improving and working out.

I will have a lot more to say about this next week. I have to go to sleep now so I can get up and do Sydney tomorrow and then Brisbane on Sunday — followed by Melbourne and Perth next weekend, and New York the weekend after that.

This at least breaks the fast, and lets you know I’m still out here. I do thank you for your ongoing support!

For Wilcock’s entire message, go here.

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