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New Moon opposed to Uranus: 10/12/15, 8:05 p.m. EDT: EMBRACE PARADOX(ES)!

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This evening’s New Moon at 19°20 of diplomatic Libra features a near exact opposition to unpredictable Uranus at 18°28 Aries, itself conjunct disruptive Eris at 22°53 Aries; furthermore, both ends of this precise opposition square Pluto at 13°03, creating a tense “T-cross” in cardinal signs of Initiation and reminding us of all those powerful Uranus/Pluto squares that we endured from 2012 through spring 2015.

So: with all the rumors of gigantic global false flags swirling around the internet, I’m not a bit surprised. Today and for the next few days, expect the unexpected during this new beginning for humanity that first pulsed into the frequency field of this planet during the Super Eclipse Blood Moon in Aries two weeks ago and magnetized world political and religious leaders to the U.N.

Plus, during this New Moon, and continuing for this entire month of October, loving Venus moves into conjunction with impulsive Mars and expansive Jupiter in critical Virgo, all three of which in turn oppose mystic Neptune in oceanic Pisces.

So, not one, but two giant oppositions in this October 2015 New Moon chart, together involving most of the planets! Two contradictions. Two dualities, polarities. Two paradoxes that we must learn how to hold in our minds and hearts and souls simultaneously, without allowing ourselves to come down on one side or the other. Linear logic doesn’t work with paradox. Linear logic says it has to be one or the other. It doesn’t. It can’t, if we wish to continue to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

As my logic professor responded, in horror, to my sincere, naive question, “But what’s wrong with contradiction?”

“Because,” he visibly shuddered while standing in front of the class, “from a contradiction, anything follows. ANYTHING!”

Yes. ANYTHING. There are no limits to the possibilites that can blink into form from the blooming void. Everything, every single thing, and all things together, depend on our intent. Individually and collectively. Whatever we focus on strongly enough, materializes.

For this second Virgo/Pisces paradox: how to hold both precise discernment (Virgo) and subtle attunement (Pisces)? How to both critically assess (Virgo) what is happening while feeling utter compassion for the whole (Pisces)?

This second four-planet opposition happens to occupy a harmonious sextile/trine with Saturn, in Sagittarius — asking us to see things in a large way, to expand our philosophical perspective (Sagittarius) while being aware of details (Virgo) and surrendered to oneness (Pisces).

These are momentous times. They require us to rip off our conceptual helmets and open to the vast mystery while paying close attention moment by moment, to our own impeccable integrity. Nothing less will do. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

And, we must act (Mars/Jupiter/Venus in Aries) in a harmonious, cooperative fashion (Sun/Moon in Libra). We can’t just stand by and watch. We must jump of the cliff together, no matter what the cost, holding hands.

Be Brave, my fellow humans!

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