New Moon in Taurus (click twice to see astro chart)
The New Moon in Taurus occurs early in the morning on Saturday, April 21st, at 1°36, just as both bodies enter this most grounded, fertile earth sign. As they connect, starting a new lunar cycle in motion, they form a harmonious grand trine configuration with both Mars and Pluto. The trines are “applying” i.e., moving towards exactness, Sun/Moon with Mars at 3° Virgo and Pluto at 9° Capricorn.
Now that Mars is going forward again (it was retrograde between January 23 and April 14), and itself applying by trine to Pluto (from now through mid-May), this is a terrific time to initiate new projects, especially those that are grounded (anything to do with earth, gardening, animals, your own body) and require a deep commitment (Pluto) as well as constant fine-tuning (Mars).
For the first three days, and then for the next six days beyond that, when the Sun moves one degree per day to exactly trine first Mars, and then Pluto, are the days when pulsation into new, grounded form is most potent.
Go fer it! It’s time!