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Look to around midnight tomorrow evening for this conjunction to be exact in Washington, D.C. I suspect the lunar cycle that follows will be highly eventful, especially given the exact Sun/Moon opposition to Uranus at not quite 5°. Five planets in the fourth house of the home: Washington, D.C., home base for The Deep State Swamp, aptly symbolized by underwater, power-oriented, depth charging Scorpio more obviously than any other sign.

The Sun/Moon at 4°25 Scorpio itself opposes Uranus at 4° 37 Taurus. I repeat: this is an exact conjunction:  the Scorpio New Moon, and the lunar cycle that follows, will bear an inescapably Uranian tone: a Uranian fracture within the Taurus earth opens up, and very obviously, given the tenth house emphasis.

Let’s check the Sabian Symbols for Taurus and Scorpio 5°. Intense images, both of them. Let them sink in. What meanings do you glean?




More on Mars square Saturn Pluto

(Note: From here on, to get the full flavor, please review recent past posts concerning this ferocious square.)

Meanwhile, note the position of Mars in the New Moon chart: 15°30 Libra, conjunct the root of the chart, the IC, again EXACT. Mars is rocking the very foundations of the Deep State (symbolized by Saturn/Pluto), in justice-seeking Libra. And, during this New Moon, Mars at 15°30 “just happens to be” again, EXACTLY square Saturn at 15°11 Capricorn.

One might say that Mars is charging up the still forming Saturn/Pluto conjunction (exact in January 2020). In fact, after an event-full past week —

GET YOUR POPCORN READY – Four Different Reports Released Last Night Indicate the Days Ahead Will be Devastating for the DEEP STATE! ~ October 26, 2019


— Mars is still busy pummeling, from justice-seeking Libra, the structural behemoth of the forming Saturn/Pluto conjunction. In fact, as Americans went to bed last night, a new Trump tweet rocked the twitter world.

And wouldn’t you know, he was referring to a special operation which he watched along with many of his generals, that took out the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. I haven’t even watched all the way through yet, but the few clips I did see from his
9 AM announcement this morning make it obvious that  Trump (whose natal Leo Mars is in his first house, thus VERY prominent) talks about both the target and the military operation, in unusually brutal, vicious, ferocious terms. He’s wasting no time being “nice” these days.

BTW: that operation occurred just as Mars was beginning to exactly square Saturn, both at 14°-°15° of their respective signs: taking out (Mars) the leader (Saturn) decapitated the enemy.

Now pay attention as Mars begins to square Pluto. For if Mars was used to decapitate with Saturn, then it will serve to totally annihilate whatever is left — of both ISIS and who knows what else — as it squares Pluto. Time to prepare for THE FIRST WEEK IN NOVEMBER.

And after that? I’d say that besides the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in mid-January, Jupiter will enter Capricorn on January 2, after one full year in Sagittarius, where we heard endless exhortations to “return to the rule of law” — a very Sagittarian motto. Now the Capricornian application of that law will begin to bear fruit, as Jupiter moves into that sign, to catch up to both Saturn and Pluto, and where it will remain until December 2020, when both Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius, Jupiter on the 18th, Saturn on the 20th. A truly revolutionary new world is in the offing.


1 thought on “New Moon in Scorpio, October 27, 2019: EXACT OPPOSITION TO ERUPTIVE, VOLATILE URANUS IN TAURUS”

  1. Well, looks like things are already happening in advance of the new moon: here in Sacramento the power is going on-and-off due to high winds, and the city is cut off to the north and west by fires on I-5 and I-80…but that’s nothing compared to what’s going on further to the west.

    Just south of where we met last year, Highway 101 is shut down both directions and almost 200,000 people have been evacuated. Among those people are my best friend and his wife, who lost their home in the Santa Rosa fires two years ago…and to top it off, my friend’s cousin’s winery is in danger, and they all had to evacuate from Healdsburg, where they stayed during the last fire. Haven’t heard from them in two days…

    Intense times, for sure. Probably a good time to go out and get whatever you might need soon, as this probably won’t be isolated to California.

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