Great article as a follow up to the one I just posted on cryptocurrency. It just goes to show: our problems may impossibly vast and complex, but solutions may be laughably simple. And if the Queen of England, “wise, elderly and brutal . . . sees the disturbances” and is worried that the monarchy may end with her . . .
This interpretation of history is well worth reading, all the way through. Thanks to Steve Beckow site.
Queen Worried About Empire’s Meltdown
An interesting article about the apparent and continuing disassembling of the old world order. The article starts off with a punch and gets better as it goes along, with the author presenting a ‘bird’s eye view’ of how the Elites arrange their puzzle pieces. Conspiracy theories meeting reality? Conspiracy no more? — Pat
Queen Worried About Empire’s Meltdown
The Queen has expressed concern that she might be the last monarch of the UK and has asked Downing Street to keep her informed. The Queen has signalled in a private meeting with David Cameron her concern at the prospect of the break-up of the United Kingdom. The monarch met the prime minister at Buckingham Palace after the Scottish National party’s victory in the Holyrood elections this month to discuss the potential implications for the monarchy. It is understood that palace officials asked Downing Street to bring in a constitutional expert to advise on the process of staging a referendum on Scottish independence and the dismantling of the union in the event of a yes vote. – London Sunday Times
Dominant Social Theme: An extremely grave situation. The Anglo realm, which is the fundament of civilization, is toppling …
Free-Market Analysis: Hey, are we right on schedule? Even Queen Elizabeth is worried. Say, about time! It’s only taken 2,000 years if we are correct in our reading of history – as the British empire is at least a remnant of the Roman Empire (later the “Holy Roman Empire”), though some would trace its antecedents back to Babylon and beyond. The Hindus track these episodes in chunks of 12,000 years or so, and apparently we’re on that cusp as well. All we know is that the Internet seems to be making a mess of Anglo-American power-elite plans.
If you read this modest newspaper you’re surely aware that the previous collapse of the British Empire World War II was a kind of phony one; part of the disinformation practiced by the Anglo-American elite that seeks to run the world and does run a good chunk of it. The powers-that-be merely substituted Money Power for colonial rule. Economic clout took over from military dominance.
This sort of process has been ongoing not for years or decades but centuries. The elites took a step back after the arrival of the Gutenberg press made being a king or queen a dangerous occupation. That was seemingly when the idea of “democracy” was invented. Much easier to let the common people vote and then merely give the winner his orders rather than give orders to the whole country out in the open.
Now even this subtle strategy is running into trouble. As the only popular, on-line publication in the world dedicated to explaining the dominant social themes of the elite within the context of theInternet Reformation (presenting the Internet as a modern Gutenberg press) our brain trust of elves and gnomes believed that the worldwide changes we were analyzing would take up 20 years or more. How did we come to this calculation? Hah, we guessed!
We figured the Gutenberg press itself took something like 100 years to spark the Renaissance and Reformation; today, we decided, the timeframe of sociopolitical and economic changes had collapsed a good deal. Twenty years sounded about right. If we date the growing impact of the Internet from 1990, we are exactly at 20 years now and thus it may be no coincidence that the world of Anglo-American Money Power is beginning to tremble, or at least to vibrate.
Did you believe, dear reader, even two years ago, that the West would be scrambling to leave Afghanistan with its conquest of the Taliban unfinished? That there are by last count (thanks, Max Keiser) nearly SIX HUNDRED separate uprisings and regime changes ongoing in the world today? That the fate of the euro and even the EU would be in serious question? And that the Queen herself would be concerned over an imminent break-up of her empire?
We’ve been at this kind of reporting for some ten years now, ever since we decided around 2000 that the business cycle was turning and that fiat money would be on the way out and gold and silver on the way in. (Yes, it was that obvious to us because we follow Austrian business-cycle economics as do others who figured it out at the same time.) But we’ve learned a lot since then because we’ve been in the position of carefully charting what’s going. We’ve been able to see day by day, sometimes hour by hour for ten years how the powers-that-be have reacted to the renewed strength of the hard-money business cycle.
It hasn’t been pretty. From our point of view, the Anglo-American elite pulled out all the stops to combat what they believed was coming. They set up the foundation for war (Iraq and Afghanistan in particular), created false flag mechanisms (WikiLeaks?), built up phony enemies (Al Qaeda?), crashed the global economy (2008 financial crisis?), and even now may be working on food and water shortages.
But this is nothing new. Anglosphere Money Power seems to have been engaged in a conspiracy to create a New World Order for up to 300 years, with increasing urgency in the past 100. When we sit down and analyze this conspiracy, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that the 20th century was a time of great gains for Western banking elites.
Increasingly it seems to us (via documented evidence) that Western Anglo powers were behind most of the major wars of the 20th including the Cold War. These wars were created to consolidate power domestically throughout the West in order to build support for international agencies (the UN, IMF,World Bank, etc.) that would provide the backbone of a formal WORLD government, which was the elite banking families’ great dream.
In the mid 20th century, the elites apparently created Israel to serve as a further fulcrum of tension and disarray in the heart of the Islamic Middle East. The plan, so far as we can tell, was to pacify and westernize the Islamic tribes by creating tension and war that would justify more and more Western interference in the area.
This is the way the elites have always expanded their sphere of influence – via civil tension leading to war that then leads “international” (read Western) involvement. The Anglosphere elites are doing the same thing Libya and Syria today. It is a simple plan and like most of what the City of Londoninflicts upon the world, it doesn’t really change from one generation to the next.
In 1971, the Anglosphere elites created the world’s first fully fiat reserve currency – the US dollar – by instructing their Saudi surrogates to accept payment for oil only in dollars. Since this meant that every other country in the world had to hold dollars to purchase oil, the US could print as much money as it needed to fund whatever global adventures it wished to undertake. It used much of its windfall to further build out the military. Eventually, this money-printing capacity helped undermine – or at least provide the justification for the collapse of – the Soviet Union.
Everything was going well for the elites in the late 20th century. Russia was westernizing, Israel’s power was advancing and world government was gradually moving forward as well with the expansion of the West’s various globalist instrumentalities. Even the dollar was holding steady. But then came the Internet.
The Internet and 9/11 proved to be two great fulcrums generating haste and urgency for those who dwell in the City of London. Hitherto, these plans in our opinion had been much concealed – for 50 years at least. But starting on 9/11, the real nature of the Conspiracy showed itself like the smile of the Cheshire cat or a disembodied grimace.
Yes, hard as it may be to fathom, the old men of the City likely gathered round their big conference table deep in the heart of Londinium and seemingly began to plot a takeover of the world with renewed urgency. Perhaps they were worried about the Internet and a coming worldwide communication’s revolution. Perhaps they understood that the business cycle had turned and that the fiat dollar would lose power against the gold and silver they hated and yet clutched ever-more tightly.
Perhaps it was a confluence of all these things. But the solution was the same. They would use war as they did after the advent of the Gutenberg press; they would use revolution, too as they did then. (The French Revolution comes to mind). And they would use American power and military might to project their global-spanning interests.
What did they decide? That they would promote a phony war on terror to justify the renewed military push meant to further consolidate the world to create ever-closer world government? That they would create more chaos in the Middle East this way and would generate increased tension via Israel? That they would push for a closer European Union, a more powerful IMF and perhaps even a world currency by purposefully inflicting financial chaos also redouble the power of their fear-based dominant social themes – global warming, peak oil, monetary inflation and chaos, etc. – to justify global governance?
Has this been the story of the past decade? In some sense it seems so, though surely it is a most conspiratorial retelling! Nonetheless, conspiratorial or not, somewhere around 2005-2006 things seem to have started to go wrong. The Internet itself – like the Gutenberg press before it – began to play havoc first with the power elite’s dominant social themes (by exposing them) and then even with Anglo-American military power. Global warming, peak oil, central banking itself all came under attack. It was not as it once was.
And that brings us to the Queen and her concerns in 2011. She is concerned mostly about Scotland, apparently, which is about to remove itself from the United Kingdom that is made up of N. Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. This does not cause the larger New Commonwealth to crumble and people have little idea how large it is – consisting of such countries as India, Australia and Canada plus a variety of smaller nations and island-states. Put all of it together and you have a mass of land of people far larger than anything else that currently exists.
Is it merely a paper Federation? Not from what we can tell. We’ve been told specifically of a certain level of “fear” that lingers to a greater or lesser degree among the disparate ruling classes.a regards crossing the monarchy and those behind it. Beyond that, there are the “shared values” of “representative democracy” and “opposition to racism” and other PC fundaments of the Commonwealth.
Yet, as the Queen looks around, she is concerned. The hive mind buzzes busily, disseminating Internet information and subsequent resistance throughout the world. In Afghanistan the US is losing to the Pashtun/Taliban and Pakistan’s leaders have begun turning away from the West and toward China. The youth revolutions that seemed like such a good idea months ago have rebounded brutally against the West. Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bahrain and even Saudi Arabia have become destabilized.
Surely Money Power did not intend for all this. Food scarcity and economic unrest were in some sense to be inflicted. But the intention was to create misery and CONTROLLABLE rebellion. It seems things are not going altogether to plan. Libya and Syria have been marked for regime change, but even here, the work proceeds laboriously – and in the case of Libya, the “rebels” have already indicated their revolution is an Islamic one and the West is not welcome! They have appeared on various news programs to state this over and over with increasing emphasis.
If Saudi Arabia topples, the dollar reserve currency topples with it. Thus, the end Anglo-American hegemony may be short months or years away, not decades. This is difficult to fathom. Yet human beings are tribal creatures – and the trends and information that the Internet is spreading may be no more opposable than the ideas of the Renaissance or Reformation.
The Renaissance was entirely an anomalous event. The Reformation less so, but it soon evidently and obviously spun out of control. We think we see the same sort of events occurring today. CIAsponsored youth movements have spun out of control in Egypt and Tunisia. What is worse is that they have spread throughout the Middle East and into the EU, destabilizing Spain and Greece and probably other Southern PIGS as well.
The idea of course is that such destabilization (including depression and wider war) will usher closer global governance – and we have proposed this possibility. Yet this is not the way things are necessarily headed. Unlike after World War II, the great powers are not venerated and their hyper-globalist solutions (far better understood today) will not necessarily be welcomed. This has no doubt occurred to the elites. It must be depressing.
The Queen is said to be concerned about Scotland, but she is a tough and cultured woman, bred to rule. Like the great mafia dons of the 20th century, she has elevated saying nothing to a kind of art form and believes her son Charles has no knack for it. Prince William, meanwhile, is said to want to do away with the monarchy. No wonder the Queen believes she may be the last of her line.
Western Money Power of course remains tremendously forceful, and apparently has tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars at its command. But the issue here is not money but power (as it always has been). The Internet in our view is unprecedented (in the modern era anyway); and it may be there is not direct and immediate solution to its impact. The great armies and gulags that the West – especially America – has assembled to counteract what is evidently and obviously taking place are like the wind blowing over an open plain. The grasses bow but rise.
Today, the American military is holding naval exercises with the Gulf States; but who are these exercises aimed at? The poor people of these states have no armies, no ships, no weapons. And yet when change comes, it will come from within. It will come from the power of an idea – or ideas – and not even a nuclear deterrence will help.
The Queen, wise, elderly and brutal, sees these disturbances. They have already invaded Europe and are headed to Britain and then to America, the “City’s” hammer. American elites have been preparing for sometime, of course. Prison camps stand silently, starkly ready – or so Jesse Venturaapparently discovered. The police have been militarized, along with the FBI and CIA and a dozen other spy agencies busily monitoring the cyberspace for evidences of unrest. Yes, preparations and more preparations …
But what is coming is likely no 20th century unrest. It is not going to be like the Veteran’s march on Washington during the Depression (which was successfully combated). It will not be alleviated in our view even by a world war. This is the sort of unrest that convulsed Europe after the advent of the Gutenberg press. But stronger still. A Renaissance or Reformation on steroids. People know too much, or at least are beginning to learn. And they are angry. The central banking economy is a sham and globalism – more of the same – provides no answers.
Twenty years ago it was impossible to conceive of technology that could purvey complex and detailed information to billions at once with the hands-on delicacy of individual instruction. Today such an impossibility is a reality. DARPA created it and two “Steves” in a garage unexpectedly built a personal computer that turned a military network into a worldwide communication facility. Ah, if only it were possible to go back in time! If only DARPA had a single head to wrench!
But it is too late. Hitler’s example (apparently paid for by Wall Street) holds no relevant lessons in today’s Internet society. State propaganda undermined by the Internet may not produce the required results. Economic dysfunction might only eventually undermine the workings of the state itself. The penitentiary society might not hold. Even the nation’s own security police forces could sooner or later be undermined (as happened in the USSR and East Germany); their pensions reduced or eliminated; their power drained; their moral sapped and then destroyed by what they are required to do and what people have come to think about it.
Conclusion: Sound farfetched? One can see the forces building, and there is historical precedent: the queen seems worried. She sits in her palace listening. She hears the wind. It is a billion voices, chanting.