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I founded and edited Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging back in 1989, and ran it until I decided to close in 2001. In 2007, Anne Niven of SageWoman Magazine talked me into helping her start it up again.
I gave the new magazine a different title: “Crone: Women Coming of Age,” and served as its founding editor, with Anne Niven as designer, for the first two years; then I dropped back to become a columnist. Now I’m retiring from that post as well. Here’s a pdf of my final column for the fifth issue of Crone Magazine, in which I present the detailed evolutionary journey of how the original Crone Chronicles magazine began (the result of a dream), and of the various intense and interesting challenges we faced over the years as we endeavored, basically, to excavate a powerful archetype that had been buried and/or ridiculed, for two thousand years.