I can’t help but wonder about the timing of first, the assasination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey on December 19th; second, the suspicious “suicide” of the NATO chief auditor in charge of counter-terrorism on December 23rd; and third, the downing of the Russian plane carrying a beloved band and singers flying to Syria for a Christmas concert, on December 25th. Is the world being subjected to a series of — tit-for-tat?— false flag events? And what will be the outcome?
Given that I am seeing, in many places, this wonderful Red Army Band play songs that are treasured in America, could the horrific sacrifice of these 92 souls move even Russkie-hating, mind-controlled Americans into, not just compassion, but unification with the people whom the fading American Empire still insists on seeing as The Enemy?
1 thought on “Might recent tragic events ignite the common space of compassion?”
Let’s hope so.