“How can we develop a million such gardens with people who have no experience, like me? . . . I have a solution . . . “the permaculture revolution”: a crowd-funding mobile app. . . with the goal to set up permaculture facilities all around the world.”
“Permaculturerevolution.com will be the website. Looking for folks to join me in this venture . . .”
My question: Trout’s solution involves people getting on planes to go to permaculture sites to both develop those sites and learn permaculture on the job. But how much fuel is spent getting them there? How about a more localized solution. Look to the schools. Get permaculture into our local schools as the curriculum within which every other subject is run. The children, teenagers, young people, they all have excess energy; and the young people have no jobs. Or they have “service” jobs that kill their souls.
Liberate land where we live. Let’s get just one farmer in each local area to changeover his giant 600 acre corn and soybean farm to 600 one-acre permaculture plots for tiny farms that grow an enormous diversity of food by ingeniously stacking functions. Permaculture releases the imagination, provides fertile ground for constant creativity.
I know, I know, it seems impossible. That’s one of the principles of permaculture: “The problem is the solution.” Let’s become more like Russia, where so much of the food is now grown on tiny plots.
Aside from the putting people on planes part, this “permaculture revolution” is a great idea. Both obvious and necessary to anyone who has even gotten a tiny inkling of the capacity of this human design system that mimics and enhances Nature’s primal power to nourish and regenerate all life on Earth.
2 thoughts on “Michael Trout: “Permaculture is the ONLY thing that gives me hope.””
I just booted this guy off of the Permaculture Activist FB group for being a pest, insulting to qualified teachers, and generally being a pain in the ass. He knows very little about permaculture. Seems to be another version of Vladislav Davidzon.