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Mark Kimmel: "Live beyond Realization"

Realization, i.e., real-ization = making “real,” (dense, physical), in the third dimension . . . .




June 24, 2011

Mark Kimmel

The following post is a joint venture with my celestial friends and Andromedan brothers and sisters. It contains information that I supplied based on my research. Nonetheless it is an important and timely message.

By admitting the false veneer of the 3rd dimension, you can take a big step forward in your soul’s evolvement. Seeing what goes on about you as the drama of others, and not becoming engaged therein, is a further step forward. It is what comes next in your personal development that is being called forth by the celestials and by your brothers and sister from other star systems: Live beyond realization.

We are living in extraordinary times in which the truth about events is slowly emerging. For many years you have been subjected to misinformation and lies, and the residual effects thereof, as perpetuated by governments and the mainstream media. The reporting of these is skewed to maintain the veneer of the 3rd dimension.

  • The crash of non-terrestrial craft (E.g. Roswell, New Mexico)
  • Back-engineering of alien technology from crashed UFOs
  • The extent of government cooperation with alien races
  • The truth about Earth’s moon
  • The truth about events on September 11, 2001
  • Mind control experiments and their on-going usage
  • The extent of environmental damage cause by the BP oil spill
  • On-going damage caused by “Aerial Spraying”
  • The purpose and uses of HAARP
  • Radiation leaks at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan
  • Radiation leaks at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility in Nebraska

If you have any question about whether or not we are living in extraordinary times, review the following sample of “natural disasters” that have occurred over the last eighteen months.

  • Earthquake in Haiti — magnitude 7.0 (January 12, 2010)
  • Earthquake in Chile — 8.8 magnitude (February 27, 2010)
  • Earthquake in China — 6.9 magnitude (April 14, 2010)
  • Volcano in Iceland — ash across Europe (April 16, 2010)
  • Flooding in Pakistan — 20% of country affected (July 2010)
  • Earthquake in New Zealand (February 22, 2011)
  • Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan (March 11, 2011)
  • Tornadoes in Southeast U.S. — 1,092 occurrences (Spring 2011)
  • Flooding of Mississippi River (April-May, 2011)
  • Flooding of Missouri River (June 2011)
  • Arizona wildfires (June 2011)
  • Flooding of Souris River (June 2011)

What is more important than the events, known or hidden, is your reaction to them, or your lack of reaction to them. Everyone is playing out roles that were agreed upon prior their incarnation in this 3rd dimension. The victim of an earthquake knew at a soul level that this would happen to them. People killed in tornadoes agreed to live to this end.

What is most important to recognize is that from a soul level all is being done out of love, all is being done to allow a soul to grow, and all is being done to assist others to awaken to the larger reality. We all live in oneness whether we recognize it or not. An individual who lives an extraordinary life serves as a light for those that get to know him or her. An animal that agrees to live in a cruel environment does so in order to help the humans involved awaken to the extent of their cruelty.

Phase one of moving to a higher consciousness is to recognize that there is more going on than is being reported by the mainstream media. This involves researching other sources (Personal experiences, Internet, and word of mouth) — all with careful discrimination — to determine the truth behind the larger picture.

The second phase of awakening is to see events, both what is reported and what you glean from other sources, as background for the on-going drama, and not necessarily involving you. Become an observer of events (a loving observer) who allows others to play out their particular role without being someone who overly empathizes with victims, who rescues others, who inserts their opinions into the lives of others, or who attempts to control the behavior of others. In other words, conform to the Law of Allowance.

The third phase of awakening into consciousness is to set aside all that surrounds you, and to put forth the effort to raise your individual vibration to a place where you no longer are a part of the drama: “Being in this world but not of it.” Learn to think from your heart. Raise your vibrations so that you can act as a beacon for others who may not yet be fully awakened and who are searching for answers. Thus the phrase, “Live beyond realization.”

There are many ways to raise your individual vibration. Find the one that resonates with you and pursue it diligently, for these are the days of change and you will need the detachment that comes from being one who stands above the chaos if you are to ascend to the new Earth.

You are being asked to raise your vibration to the 5th dimension so that you might play an active role in creating a new civilization for Earth based on that lighter way to live. This will in turn assist all in the universe to ascend to a brilliant new way of being. Earth is the center-point of this vast transformation. The next few months will reveal the path of each individual, your path. Will you put forth the necessary effort to turn away from the 3rd dimension, and align with the transformation of Earth and her humans to a lighter existence, an existence based on love?

I am grateful to be involved with messages such as this one and trust they are of value to those of you reading them.

In truth, Love and Joy,

Mark Kimmel

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