A little over a year ago, I published this post, which both gives the history of my own awakening to the horrific gunk that undergirds our society and lauds the journalist who may be the preeminent, and utterly determined researcher into pedophilia, satanism, and child sex trafficking.
Pedogate, with Liz Crokin
Up until now, Liz has been derided as a “right-wing conspiracy theorist,” i.e., bonkers. See, for example, this.
I read somewhere that Liz estimates that up to one third of the federal government may be tainted with this vile corruption. Others estimate as high as 90%. The fact that the Jeffrey Epstein case has finally brought it all into prominence is a huge relief.
I had been seeing the NXIVM takedown as the Prelude, with the Epstein case as Opening Act. But Liz views them as entangled, part of the same dark web. She should know. Here’s her latest video.