Once in a great while my friend and fellow Indiana blogger Laura Bruno stops communing with faeries and working in her permaculture garden and doing intuitive healing work with clients to lay it all out there. Though Laura doesn’t usually blog about world events, I’m always thrilled and amazed at her command of both big picture and small detail when she does.
Opportunities for Influence
July 14, 2016
by Laura Bruno
As Within, So Without. Indeed, so much of our outer life depends on what sorts of healing, initiations, and/or processes we engage within. On the other hand, we do live in times of tremendous collective influence, and finding that right balance as we move into the Age of Aquarius seems quite elusive on the world stage!
Emergence can quickly get co-opted into emergency, yet we also can direct from within our own peaceful, liberated hearts and minds. If you feel so led, please take your pick among any or all of these key emergence/emergency hot zones this summer:
Expected today: US House of “Representatives” voting on the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act. Masquerading as a mandatory GMO labeling law, this bill makes mandatory labeling completely voluntary with zero consequences for disobeying the law. It also gives a free pass to the most GMO-ridden crops, nullifies any state and local GMO labeling laws (even those already in effect for years), and some attorneys fear that tricky legaleze (legal sleeze?!) may open the door to making it illegal for non-organically certified small farms to list their produce or seeds as non-GMO.
The Senate already passed this monstrosity, and the House voted for a similar bill last year. We know most of the Senate and Representatives are bought and paid for by Monsanto and Big Pharma, brainwashed or bribed into shilling for those hell bent on destroying our planet, sovereignty and health. I’m personally sending the AR Rune right smack dab into the mix. The AR Rune shines light in dark places, can break through brainwashing, repels ill wishing magic, restores honor, and can also transform a DARK “Yes” vote to a shining “No.” Worth a shot! Reiki Healing Attunements to blow away the fog of denial and corruption can also help.
This vote is expected very soon, so work your magic ASAP. With the TTP and TTIP trade treaties, what happens in America doesn’t stay in America, so if you’re overseas, this process potentially affects you, too.
Ongoing: Brexit and other proposed EU Exits.
Sending light and discernment to your own country and asking for the highest good of all — can help these situations expand into their own emergence, rather than devolving into emergencies that end up creating even tighter regulations and controls. “As within, so without” includes inviting the Wisdom to see both sides’ points so that real, tangible, beneficial solutions can reveal themselves. Nothing in politics happens by accident. Ken at http://redefininggod.com has been detailing these anticipated moves for years. I don’t always agree with everything he posts, but awareness of the coup countercoup charade of the world stage right now can help to find local, person to person, humane solutions that create evolution instead of just another revolution that takes you right back to where you started, only with tighter controls.
July 18-21: Republican National Convention, Cleveland, Ohio
It will take massive amounts of prayer, healing energy, peaceful intentions and deliberate actions for the highest good of all in order for the US not to devolve into Civil War and/or Martial Law this fall. This is not a doomer prediction, as I know we each have influence; however, paid agitators and thugs have already been hired to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Even if nothing happens at the convention, an announcement of Trump is set to trigger riots if he does win … and likely to trigger a revolution if he doesn’t win.
The stakes have been raised, lit and the fires continually stoked. Those who wish to impose order from chaos are standing by with truckloads of gasoline to pour on high running emotions from all sides. I suggest the Reiki Mental Emotional Healing Symbol to surround this convention. For those not trained in Level 2 of Reiki, you can imagine healing, soft green light infusing harmony and peace in the crowds in Cleveland and other cities responding to events in Cleveland. Imagining a gentle rain might also help to keep heads cool enough to assess opportunities for emergence rather than reacting to gratuitous, race-baiting vitriol.
Let’s aim for people recognizing the humanity in each other and uniting to overthrow the gasoline purveyors intent on gaining more control from the chaos they ignite.
July 25-28: Democratic National Convention, Philadephia, Pennsylvania
This convention offers/threatens to wake up the idealistic Left to realize just how fixed and ridiculously controlled the system really is. Millions of Bernie supporters received a b!tch slap in the face and kick in the gut when their “People’s” candidate endorsed a former Monsanto lawyer, former and current Wall Street lapdog, should-be-indicted-but-isn’t (on multiple accounts) criminal, war mongerer endorsed by Dick Cheney and Karl Rove, and anti-women’s rights (on so many levels), vote-stealing, establishment candidate.
Say what?! Millions of super nice people just got a rude awakening.If cognitive dissonance does not fully take root, these people have a chance to leave the field and grow something truly grassroots.
The Democratic National Convention is, ironically, building a Donald Trump like wall to keep outsiders from entering, but Hillary’s most recent free pass from the FBI and ever more controversial Loretta Lynch has anger seething from both far Left and far Right with an increasing number of centrists joining the mix. Who knows what people have planned for this event? But we can rest assured various behind the scenes players intend to benefit from watching the People fight amongst themselves. All wars are bankers’ wars.
I suggest the AR Rune for this convention, too — to help people see behind the pretty words and lofty sentiments. What actions and long term results support these words? Where do the policies espoused by the speakers work directly against what they say they stand for? Where are the Feminists who truly love women? Where are the people empowering “the poor” not to be poor anymore? Where are the organic food lovers and small farmers truly wanting to feed the world real food? Where are the Earth lovers not wanting to give big corporations total control over our environment? Where do the ideals not match up with the policies? Where are the good-hearted idealists projecting their own good-hearted idealism onto people actively working against those ideals?
The Reiki Distant Healing Symbol can help infuse the present words and future plans withawareness of how we got here in the first place, as well as “been there, done that, and now it’s worse ‘solutions.’” Gentle loving-kindness can also help heal the wounds of yet another betrayal. Sending deep Earth energy and grounding to this convention can help to bring ideals into more concrete actions that actually align in the physical, tangible realm with ideals of equal rights for women, care of the Earth, care of communities.
Ultimately, we are the ones we are waiting for, and the sooner we realize that, the easier the rebuilding process will be. We can model what’s possible in our own lives, but we are also powerful beings. Voting machines are much more easily rigged than consciously directed energy and intentions are.
Blessed Be!
And see if you can find some way to be the blessing.