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Kreilkamp Family Signs and Wonders 2014: eight swans a-swimmin’!

My sister Kathy, who is famously private, will just have to let me do this, quote her here, even without permission, because I consider her experience today so extraordinary, another one of the Signs and Wonders that I’m primed, on this second day of what promises to be a very exciting and magical new year, to expect.

I didn’t think to post her email until I belatedly realized that the eight swans mirror the eight siblings: us! Here’s the last photo we took, right before sister Kristin and brother John accompanied our now 95-year-old Mom (aka Lady Renee) from Seattle to Baton Rouge back in early summer, 2012.

Standing: Mary, Mark, Marnie, John. Sitting: Ann, Mom, Kristin, Katherine
Standing: Mary, Mark, Marnie, John. Sitting: Ann, Mom, Kristin, Katherine

And here’s Mom with Paula, at a restaurant in Baton Rouge when I visited there in October.


She told Paula the other day that she wishes Ben (Dad, who passed through the veil in late August 2012) would talk to her. Paula tells us, referring to Kathy’s eight swan sighting in Seattle:

I think he does talk to us in these natural ways…it’s as If he was saying: Stay close to one another…family is a gift…cherish and protect one another!

Here’s Kathy’s email re: her astonishing Sign and Wonder while walking this morning.

Marty and I occasionally walk around the Bird Preserve in the Union Bay Natural Area over behind U Village, on our way to QFC, to get some exercise and see what we can see (usually shoveler ducks, scaups, Canadian Geese, ospreys, turtles, blue herons, sometimes eagles, ho hum).

Yesterday, walking around the bend going east, we spotted some big white (!) birds in the distance. Getting closer, we saw that they were Trumpeter Swans. We had to make an effort to count them because they glided back and forth in circles around each other. We counted exactly eight. Rare sight. Mesmerizing.

Perhaps I was looking for a New Year’s omen, but I felt suddenly close to the seven of you (I’d seen at most only 2 swans on one other occasion in all the years we’ve walked there). I’m glad the omen came during an afternoon walk and not in a dream.

Wishing you grace in the New Year.



Kathy hunted around and found this photo, of the eight of us. YES!


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