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Kerry Cassidy connects dots from Aurora to Sandy Hook — and beyond?

I find this to be an unusually perceptive summation of what may well be the kind of perspective required to “make sense of” recent so-called “lone-wolf” shooting atrocities in this country. Cassidy, whose Project Camelot has been interviewing whistleblowers in many different areas for years, is well-placed to draw conclusions.

[Re: Aurora, Sandy Hook]: GE, Libor, Next Stop NYC?

January 1, 2012

by Kerry Cassidy


In following the trail from Aurora to the Sikh shootings to Sandy Hook it seems to be leading us in the direction of “Gotham”. This is what worries me.

If you are among those who have seen the maps from the Batman Movie “The Dark Knight Rises” you already know that both Aurora and Sandy Hook were clearly marked on the map.


(See this link for the more on maps etc of Gotham):


Given that Aurora happened at the showing of the movie the connection cannot be more obvious. But if one follows this scenario, where does the movie lead? It centers around Gotham (NYC) and a free energy weapon hidden underground which is turned into a bomb that could destroy the city… The movie ends with it being flown off shore and detonated…

However, all indications are that the target for the various events along a specific trajectory appear to be leading in the direction of the financial system. According to one of my past sources there would come a time when those in power positions would want to “disappear” evidence contained in digital financial records in order to cover their tracks.. they need an excuse to be unable to reveal those who have responsible at the highest levels, for louting the American people for years… as well as the rest of the world. I am told, if they should target the servers where such records are kept, that chaos would be the result… That and possibly a financial standstill or RESET that would be unprecedented. We know that the Libor scandal stretches worldwide. It is web that involves large corporations around the world and a fixing of interest rates for years, by the 16 largest banks… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/27/matt-taibbi-libor-scandal-biggest-financial_n_2372194.html

Is this financial unraveling the beginning of a reset that results in the order out of chaos so prized by those intent on bringing about the NWO?

Ultimately, the trail leads also to companies like GE… and indications are, that GE has a great deal to hide. The recent events at Sandy Hook resulted in the death of the son of a GE tax director (Peter Lanza) and involved the boy of 20, being turned into a manchurian candidate/assassin. You have to ask yourself why they would go to such lengths in this case as well as with the son of the financial software inventor, from FICO, Robert Holmes? What are these two men involved with that would trigger such diabolical coercion and manipulation? Frankly I don’t see where these men could stand to keep quiet at this point.

Is fear of their own death really a worse option for men who see their sons turned into sleeping assassins responsible for the cold blooded murder of innocent victims including children? What would you do if you KNEW they turned your innocent child into a cold blooded killer? Do you seriously think these two men are naive as to what is being done to keep them on track and from telling what they know to the world at large?

This is what we are dealing with. If, I am correct, and the trail leads to “Gotham” and a financial war being waged that will ultimately lead to mass destruction of financial records in order to hide the true trail of where the money all goes… which is undoubtably the BLACK PROJECTS.. and highly secret space program… that Gary McKinnon hacked into.. Then where else does it lead? And more importantly, what can be done about it?

This article from a little known publication called World News Tomorrow in South Africa, is interesting. It was sent to me by a contact. Seemingly unrelated however if you read down, you can’t help but see a couple key statements regarding General Electric. It seems the company is involved in a lot more than just “electricity”…

Super Conductor Diamonds [used] in directed energy beams. The new “Star Wars” is finally here it seems with technology such as the so called ‘Death Ray” technology that is supposed to be a myth but yet confirmed by CIA operatives and installed on some US Navy ships such as the one in the photo above.”

“…yet a report released by De Beers in 1981 indicated that these synthetic diamonds were already in existence and these patents were owned by De Beers and General Electric USA. Strangely it turns out that General Electric was working on advanced super conductor technology for the US Military since the late 70′s….” —Editor, World News Tomorrow

Yes, directed energy weapons have been in use in Black Projects for probably 40 years… and in the public domain acknowledged since the days of the Reagan administration… But what else is going on at GE that would result in one of their top tax guys getting embroiled in a tragedy like Sandy Hook?

It can be instructive to go from the personal to the world stage to figure out how companies such as GE get wrapped into the web of Black Project funding that stretches to 16 international banks and involves louting millions by rigging interest rates… and so much more. We are talking about the orchestration of the fleecing of millions for a purpose.

GE is only one company albeit a very large player in this arena… What would the information hidden deep in the server farms that are stored underground in NYC and other places reveal if hacked into and displayed for all to see? Certainly, a worldwide swindling operation that involves drug money, sex and human trafficking, names, dates, places and amounts by which you, the world, are being deceived by an elite up to their eyeballs in a web of lies.

What is it these groups at the top are warring over? Is it simply more wealth? Is this what you believe? Because the massacre of children is happening on our watch and at our doorstep in the name of something more far reaching than simple Greed. It most certainly involves a war for control over energy and, as I am being told, the right to issue currency. It involves a takedown of the U.S. and the fleecing of the world at large. It is being fought in hidden halls and underground places, both on and off this world.

It all comes down to the individuals involved. The Peter Lanza’s and Robert Holmes, who are working for corporations that have destroyed every last shred of humanity they have in order to secure their silence. When will such people step forward and say enough? Not the mothers and fathers of innocent victims, but those with their hands dirty, with one foot in the black world and one foot in the everyday world where the rest of us live.

They are the ones who know what their masters are up to.. they are the ones creating the ways and means for the treachery to continue. For the raping and plundering and obfuscating to go on. They have sold their souls. They are the potential whistleblowers that could one day step forward and say enough. Because it is in the insiders coming forward that hold the hope for all of us… Revealing what has been going on, on their watch, in which they have participated. Salvation anyone? Do you really think the sacrifice of innocents is worth what you are fighting to keep hidden?

Go here for my related article: http://projectcamelotportal.com/kerrys-blog/1483-dark-knight-rises-sandy-hook-aurora

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