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Jon Rappoport: “If you work for the government, you want, on some level, to make war. It’s what gives you a shot of adrenalin and saves you from a life of grinding boredom.”

Late yesterday afternoon puppy Shadow and I found ourselves standing once more with a sign, this time with the regular Peace Action Coalition Wednesday 5 p.m. rally.

I talked with a woman who has been standing there with the group for years. Notice her sweet, lovingly preserved sign; she made it for the first Iraq War, back in 1990-91.

IMG_5670Though valiant, and faithful to the cause of peace, this lovely woman seems befuddled as to why the U.S. always goes to war. I mentioned to her the fact that every state has military industrial complex boots on the ground, that these business and government entities are “job creators.” So of course, our senators and representatives support them, as their campaigns are funded by them and “job creation” is an easy reflex remark to push back anyone who wants to tone the war rhetoric down or get rid of war altogether. “Ah!” she exclaimed, like CRANE here!” (Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center, “the third largest naval installation in the world . . . employs 3300 people” is located about 45 minutes SW Bloomington, and in 2011 “formalized an educational partnership with IU,” which, in turn, is the lifeblood of Bloomington.)

Bingo. She got it.

Update, same day. Hey, check this out, just in:

Senators Authorizing Syria Strike Got More Defense Cash Than Lawmakers Voting No

Jon Rappoport beams in on the same dangerously entrenched structure of the endless war economy and enlarges the concept of “war” to include not just the military, but every branch of government that relentlessly seeks to expand.

The permanent structure of the US government is geared for war

September 4, 2013

by Jon Rappoport


This article is about the psychology of big government; criminal psychology.

Face it. Deal with it. The US government, in its present form, is all about going to war. That is what it knows how to do.

I’m not just talking about the Pentagon. The FDA is happiest when it’s trying to attack nutritional supplements and alternative doctors. The EPA is roving the country looking for businesses to punish. The National Institutes of Health is fighting the eternal fraudulent “war on cancer.”

The IRS is searching for people to audit. The Dept. of Justice is always on the lookout for drug traffickers to jail (except when it has immunity deals with them). The NSA is spying on everybody all the time in a war to catch a few terrorists. Of course, in that case, the real enemy is any human being who believes in privacy.

The USDA, through its massive support of Monsanto and GMO food, is making war on farmers and public health. WINPAC, the CIA group that twisted reports of WMD in Iraq and helped send the country into war, in 2002, is now interpreting reports of Assad/chemical weapons to bolster the White House’s case for bombing Syria.

War, war, and war spawns reams of new labyrinthine regulations that, when broken (mostly by citizens who have no idea they exist), indicate it’s time for the government to attack.

If you work for the government, you want, on some level, to make war. It’s what gives you a shot of adrenaline and saves you from a life of grinding boredom.

Curiously, though, these wars are fought but not won through any sort of authentic resolution. Several examples spring to mind. The wars on poverty, cancer, and drugs. In these areas, things have only gotten worse. And then there was a little engagement called Vietnam. How did that turn out? Nevertheless, the government presses on.

Given the psychology of big government, going into Syria is a natural. It’s a war looking for an excuse. Any excuse, real or imagined, or staged.

With the upcoming debate on whether to invade Syria, Congress finally has something to dig its teeth into. They’re no longer screwing around with 2000-page bills they never read. This one is simple: should we fire the death-dealing missiles or not?

Which is like asking a lion whether she’d rather spend the night sleeping on the ground or padding out to the hunt.

Suddenly, everybody has an objective. It’s defined. It’s real. It’s on the table. The palate is cleansed, ready for the taste of blood.

We’re in the Circus Maximus.

As time goes by, the federal government becomes less and less about enacting restraints on its own actions. That’s relegated to ancient history. Only a fool would work for the government and suggest cutting back on its power. He’d be trampled. The successful employee finds new targets to focus on. He gets out in front of the wave.

If you feel an urge to addle your own brain, pick up a copy of FDA or IRS rules and regs and start reading. You soon realize that you’re familiarizing yourself with details of repression and warfare.

You’ll have a similar experience if you read the DSM, the bible of the American Psychiatric Association, a group which is essentially a government partner. In their fabricated war on mental illness, psychiatry arrives at the inevitable conclusion that all human behavior is a disease. Note that the NSA reaches a parallel conclusion.

The lion on the plain may wander around for a while, but as soon as she spots a target, all extraneous behavior ceases. She crouches and stares. Life now makes perfect sense. It all comes to this. The launch.

In Orwell’s 1984, the continuing war against the enemy is the lynchpin of the whole society. There is no way to confirm any of the war’s details. All that matters is the mobilizing of emotion.

As with all such psychology, there need to be rationalizations for insane actions. I could compile a familiar list, but I’ll just mention one old stand-by. John McCain, who has surpassed even Joe Biden in bumbling, mumbling, and stumbling, just voiced it:

“[Not going to war in Syria] would undermine the credibility of the United States of America and the President of the United States of America.” Ah yes. “Undermine the credibility of.”

In other words, despite the progressive disappearance of solid evidence that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, the die has been cast. The President has said the evidence is clear. Therefore, the US must attack. Otherwise, no one would believe in our ability to tell lies and back them up anymore. And that would be catastrophic and tragic.

Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

1 thought on “Jon Rappoport: “If you work for the government, you want, on some level, to make war. It’s what gives you a shot of adrenalin and saves you from a life of grinding boredom.””

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