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JOIN US! First North American Permaculture Convergence: August 29-31

At the 11th International Permaculture Convergence in Cuba, 2013, a gathering of North Americans proposed putting together the first North American Permaculture Convergence.

It’s on. Check it out! And join us.


Harmony Park

(a 40-acre outdoor events venue with lake)

Clarks Grove, Minnesota

August 29-31, 2014


In case you’re still wondering “why permaculture”? Why do people, especially young people, get so excited as soon as they are introduced to the concept? Why do I, and countless others, instinctively, and with just the first brush of awareness, recognize permaculture as a perspective and practice that, believe it or not, my cynical friends, can possibly “save the world?”

Here’s teacher and designer Geoff Lawton on the subject, at a TEDX event. Well worth 18 minutes of your precious time. And afterwards, the NAPC might be just the immersion experience you need to kickstart your life from getting bogged down in impossible problems to getting inspired with possible solutions already being enacted on every land mass on this planet.



0 thoughts on “JOIN US! First North American Permaculture Convergence: August 29-31”

  1. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    So excited to be going to this! Ann K and I are carpooling and also attending the post-event tour of the Driftwood area, which I’ve always wanted to explore. Heads up Madison and Milwaukee folks: we plan to spend September 3rd in Madison, which means I will have a very limited number of in-person session slots available the afternoon of 9/3 and (possibly) a couple in the morning on 9/4. Details will follow as I know them, but since I’ll only have a limited number of slots available, I’m letting blog readers know now.

    Yay! Camping, time in the woods near a lake, Driftwood tours, meeting Starhawk and Michael Pilarski (Faery Human Relations Congress) and Toby Hemenway … AND a whirlwind trip to Madison with super cool Ann. What’s not to love?

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