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Jean Haines on Neil Kennan, his latest update: “couldn’t be more upbeat”!

For those who follow archetypal stories of heroic-lone-cowboy-rides-into-town-and-saves the day, Neil Keenan’s is probably the most interesting, and it’s cooroborated by David Wilcock. I don’t usually post these kinds of stories, not because I don’t “believe” them — I don’t know what to believe — but because I prefer to focus on personal, neighborhood, community, and regional empowerment issues. (This is partly because I don’t want to degenerate into the usual victim/savior mentality that the cabal wants us to stay in in order to keep its mind control programs working.) Nevertheless, we’re all on the same page, seeking to shift our world from separation to oneness. “Different strokes for different folks!” as they say. This particular post feels climactic, and good, and Jean connects it with other developments, and I can’t fail to note that it arrives the very next day after the collective meditation during the Grand Sextile/Grand Cross of 8/25/13 . . .

Oh yeah, and here’s another one that seems to be steering in the same general direction (plus it helps to make sense of why global and national exchanges were blinking off and on last week):



NEIL KEENAN UPDATE: SLUGGING IT OUT…AND WINNING (TWO VIDEOS) – Make this post viral: sing the song. . . all day long . . . and as long as it takes!! Hugs, ~Jean

August 26, 2013

by Haines


Neil’s video couldn’t be more upbeat: In spite of a challenge or two last week, he and his Team came through with flying colors and lots of laughter. We had a lot of fun helping him put this post together. Neil likes music, and he has chosen a song for us that we all believe is not just for Americans, but for the entire planet to sing – and sing – and sing – today, everyday, and until we free ourselves.

Not only is Neil’s Update connected to today’s Oracle Report, as you will see, but it is also deeply connected with the NorthPoint Astrology Journal post from yesterday, with Montague Keen’s post, and with the beautiful post from the Irish People, Ripples Through Our Nation as this great people takes back their magical history, and declares themselves free from Maritime Law . . . Forget the news they’re throwing at us, family, and listen to what Neil shares, and make his ideas live, not just today, but every day!

‘Go Team Planet!’



by Michael Henry Dunn

(Jakarta video production by Johannes “Jo” Hutabarat)

Ø How safe is your Western Union money? Banking cabal blocks Keenan’s wire transfers – no surprise there…

Ø Keenan allies detained at airports for days – but others slip through

Ø Jakarta Supreme Court backdates document in an attempt to illegally keep Martha Wibawa in prison

Ø Federal Reserve has a great idea – let’s reset the system…and cancel the Fed’s massive debts to the world! Don’t think so, boys – Keenan says, “think again.”

Ø Neil Keenan sends two messages: Cabal – you’re done. Americans – time to clean up our country.

Ø Two hard-hitting video messages from Keenan – worth your time.

August 25, 2013 – It’s not as if the cabal has been ignoring Neil Francis Keenan all this while. Four (or is it five?) attempts on his life (and at least one on his team), bribe offers that rose from the millions to the billions to the trillions, the death of his best friend, plus constant surveillance by just about every major intelligence agency in the world (most on his side, some definitely not). Ever since Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock broke the story on Keenan’s Trillion Dollar Lawsuit against major Federal Reserve entities, the pressure has ratcheted up on a weekly basis.

In the wake of Keenan’s breakthrough partnership with leading figures in the Asian clans who are the legitimate depositors of the vast majority of the assets in the Global Collateral Accounts (revealed in a widely followed story released on Jean Haines’ blog on August 9th), the corrupt Western banking elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Warburgs, Windsors, et al) apparently managed to spare enough time from attempting to cut each other’s throats last week to focus on making life a little more difficult for The Keenan Group.

Martha Wibawa’s release from prison was delayed once again when the Jakarta Supreme Court apparently illegally back-dated a document to prevent his automatic freedom. Keenan has a globally prominent attorney preparing an international lawsuit to expose this corruption – though there is a chance the court may yet take appropriate action, and avoid the global spotlight.

The (cabal-owned) Western Union wire transfers were mysteriously blocked (hey regular folks, you might want to just mail that check to Aunt Sally next time). Allies arriving in Jakarta were detained for days at airports. And the easy-to-spot surveillance guys have become so ubiquitous that Neil is now tempted to buy them donuts out of pity. He winks at them. And they roll their eyes in exasperation.

(I admit I’ve wondered if maybe the donuts are how they bribe spooks in Keenan’s native Rhode Island – but it’s probably the brazenly flirtatious smile with which he delivers the donuts that does the trick…it seems to work pretty well with hotel clerks and bored immigration officials. Okay, I’m blowing the whistle on Neil Keenan: he turns down bribe offers in the billions…but he’s not above offering pastries to bank tellers).

While dealing with the blocked funds and detained allies (anticipated and provided for in advance), Keenan is deepening his partnership with his new allies (more are coming on board daily), and preparing actions to take down the Fed. The Feds have recently come up with a startling idea – a new financial system! The main feature of their version of a global reset involves wiping out the Fed’s own debts to the nations whose wealth they have been defrauding for the last hundred years or so. See the accompanying two videos for Keenan’s emphatically expressed doubts on the likelihood of this occurring (along with an inspirational Woodie Guthrie classic in the second video).

Forgive the quips here, folks – we are well aware of how deadly serious all this is. But Keenan keeps things light for his team by nearly non-stop puckish, wacko humor – which is much in evidence on the two accompanying videos. But so is the tough and fearless essence of the man. Listen to him urge the American people to take our country back (legally and peacefully, please note). He reminds us all that we are not alone in this fight. We have allies in the Pentagon, in the agencies, in the militia movement, among our brave men and women serving in the armed forces, in the non-aligned nations, in the Asian powers who own the assets, in courageous whistle-blowers like Karen Hudes – and even, some say, in off-planet friends who are helping in largely unseen ways.

I haven’t edited these videos one bit, folks (well, OK, I took out Neil’s Sinatra imitation at the beginning). This is classic hard-hitting, unexpurgated NFK. He went twenty-nine and oh as a Golden Glove boxer – and still knows how to dodge one blow to deliver a flurry of counter-punches.

One last note: I really don’t know whether it’s leprechauns, Indonesian devas, or angelic E.T’s….but the man seems to know things before they happen – even to the extent of answering questions I was about to ask, before I asked them. It’s a bit spooky, really. Not that I’m trying to unnerve the bad boys in Texas who are reading this (or in London, or D.C., or Jakarta, or New York, or wherever), but I suspect Neil has peeked down the timeline of the Galactic Mirror, and seen visions of NWO baddies doing permanent time – while the planet heals and humanity tastes freedom for the first time in a few thousand years.

Go maire subh bhur saol nua….

Michael Henry Dunn



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