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I’ve always “known” that the aether is real . . .

. . . no matter how thoroughly scientism debunked it.

And, given a new (and likely old) acquaintance, who got hold of me about a week ago because he found this exopermaculture site and loved the name; and he had to tell me, and so kept calling me; and I kept ignoring or hanging up too quick, thinking it was a scammer; and so it took seven tries for him to finally connect. And WHEW! — now he’s nudging me to blast through the outer fringes of even my own hopefully wide open mind.

I was surprised how instantly I opened to his wide open mind, and surprised myself further by suggesting that we talk for one hour, once per week, We settled on Mondays at 4 p.m.

Here’s the reference he texted me this morning. (New ones come every day or two). Geez! Will I have time to absorb this long video before we speak tomorrow? If he agrees, I’ll let you know his name and websites then. A VERY interesting fellow. I feel very fortunate that this year’s magnificent Jupiter (with Saturn/Pluto) plunges me into the wide open space of the great unknown. And yet, not really surprised, since that astonishing stellium sits directly opposite my own Jupiter in Cancer, which in turn rules my Sagittarian Sun, Ascendant, and Mars.

And guess what? This man’s Ascendant sits exactly on my 27° Sun, which means that both of us are attuned to the GC of our Milky Way galaxy.

Go figure! I bow, as usual, to the intense, synchronous magic of the ancient symbolic language of astrology.

2 thoughts on “I’ve always “known” that the aether is real . . .”

  1. Two words . . . absolutely amazing . . . and as you shared calls for allowing the mind to drop walls . . . thanks much for this share!

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August 15, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Thank You, Sydney and Team Kraken, for…
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August 9, 2021 at 6:44 pm
Will check out this reference. Thanks!
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August 9, 2021 at 5:05 pm
Fixed. Thank you!
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