Don’t think it can happen here? Check out “exceptional” drought in California and the American southwest. As of September 9, 2014:
Check out eroding U.S. coastlines and the cities built upon them.
Just google these two above items. Discern for yourself what we are in for in coming years. And then turn around and read below about what our country’s military industrial complex does to others across the world. (BTW: the U.S. military is the single most energy consumptive entity in the entire world, fueling climate change.) It’s not only blow-back time, with American-created “terrorists” across the world hating America and longing to bring it down, climate change is the boomerang that will slam into us all.
The solution? Either guns or community, take your pick. Both offer “security,” or say they do, of different kinds. The first is ephemeral and hard-ass, and depends on the good sense of those owning guns. (Fat chance, in this land of mind-controlled hotheads, all determined to “protect private property.”) The second requires a more subtle approach, a quiet determination, and an open heart. Community is, no doubt about it, hard to build and yet, over time, creates real resilience and regeneration, both for humanity and for our dear Mother, Earth.
This is the worst refugee crisis since WWII: It’s time to rethink our response.
43 Million People Kicked out of Their Homes