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In case you’re wondering why I no longer post on the scamdemic . . .

Because I KNOW, in my deepest self, that Donald Trump will have a second term as President, no matter what the aggressively faked appearances leading up to the moment when the entire world is forced to realize that four more years is a fait accompli. I’ve known this all along, though my ego does tend to get caught up in the labyrinth of legal and other machinations, my ever curious, determined to figure-it-out left brain wondering just exactly how, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, deadline by deadline, the road to this future will manifest in 3D.

The point is, no matter what the wild tumultuous swirling of contradictory appearances now, the more strongly and surely we focus on the future that we intend, the more likely that particular timeline will manifest. Along with millions of others all across America and beyond, I choose to focus on that future.

And once that happens, all this covid, shuffle muffle masking, social distancing, fear-mongering, testing, vaccines-coming-right-up! Agenda 30 bullshit, will fade into the void.

So I put on the damn mask when I walk into a store, and I rip off the damn mask when I walk out of a store, all the while remembering, re-membering, putting myself, and ourself, back together again as sovereign, this person, Ann K., as an individual, united with We, the People. The continuing covid psy-op is Nothing to get alarmed about. The New World Order lockdown is NOT going to happen. It’s too late. We’ve got this.  The excruciating climactic election drama that we are enduring is a massive TEACHING. Utterly necessary, if the thousands of corrupt deep state actors are to be swirled down the drain.

Magenta Pixie has a fine post on this getting, and maintaining, what I’d call 3D/5D double awareness, today.

4 thoughts on “In case you’re wondering why I no longer post on the scamdemic . . .”

  1. Yes! “the more strongly and surely we focus on the future that we intend, the more likely that particular timeline will manifest.” I have been listening every night for the past several weeks the audio book The Essenes: Children of the Light
    by Stuart Wilson, Rebecca Hazlitt, et al. Audible Audiobook $0.00
    Free with Audible trial.

    The reincarnated souls of Biblical characters Daniel and Joseph make a point that has altered me somewhat. What matters now is to forgive and keep the light shinning. They are looking at us as a collective consciousness from 2000 years ago and releasing wisdom to the 2020 future beings of Earth. Just be as authentic as your can and keep the light. No matter what you are doing keep the light. Everything else is secondary.

  2. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me. You are just about the only Astrologist on the Internet that likes Trump. Or at least looks at the aspects in a way that might let us know what will really happen. I absolutely love your explanations, and that you will explain further if you’re wrong, as you did with Sidney Powell. Please know that there are people lurking that may not comment, but keep up the good work 🙂

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