At least once a year! At the annual CONA (Council of Neighborhood Associations) mid-winter gathering. This year’s event was last night, and our dear neighborhood organizer Georgia was honored for her part in keeping CONA going during years when it almost died, and then came back to life, thanks to her careful, patient tending.
Those coming from each neighborhood had their pictures taken. That’s Georgia, third from right, next to Kat. I’m at the end, holding my emptied wine glass and plate.
We thought we were going to miss neighbor (and salsa dancer) Mariela and her kids Juakim and Asiri, but . . . they came after all!
The usual fun time was had by all. It’s good to connect with other neighborhoods and discover what they are doing to bring neighbors together in this crazy-making culture where the underlying momentum still drives us apart.
0 thoughts on “In Bloomington, we celebrate neighborhoods!”
Such a coincidence! This morning I googled ‘Neighborhood Associations’ and the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center came up. Does every city in Indiana have neighborhood associations? I’m in Vermont where ‘Front Porch Forum’, an email service, is bringing neighbors together. When I visit my daughter in Bloomington, IN I will try to learn more about your neighborhood associations as I have high hopes for ‘retrofit cohousing’. Let’s hope our federal government sees the advantages of them too.