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Hydra-headed secret state octopus described, collected, analyzed, and footnoted in one FREE 300 page pdf

Image: phonegeeks.com

We can thank the amazing young researcher Timothy Silver for his generously offered and articulately presented compilation:

Lifting the Veil


For me, I also thank Fred Burks of wanttoknow.info who alerted me to the existence of this document. Fred, who has been researching most or all of the same topics since he found himself riveted by Steven Greer’s original Disclosure Project hearings in June 2001, offers this review:


The free, online book Lifting the Veil is far and above the best summary I’ve ever seen of all that is going on in our world. Author Timothy Silver masterfully takes us behind the scenes to learn about the hidden forces which dramatically shape world politics and ultimately affect the lives of every one of us.

With over 500 footnotes linking directly to reliable sources to verify all that is stated, this amazing piece of excellent research ties together many key threads that the media have failed to cover. It dives deep beneath the surface of historical events to show us the motivating forces and corrupt, elite interest groups which have successfully manipulated world events in a way that rarely gets reported in history books.

Knowledge is power. The more knowledge we have, the more informed our choices can be. This is how we become ever better agents of positive transformation in our world. I highly encourage you to find the time to read this profound book at the link below. Or at the very least explore one or more of its chapters using the links to each chapter given in the index below. And please spread the word. This is how we come together to create the world we all know is possible. Thanks for caring.

Here’s what you’re in for:



Chapter I: The War on Terror is a Fraud

Chapter II: The One-Party State

Chapter III: Psychopathy, Power and Politics

Chapter IV: Operation Paperclip

Chapter V: MK-ULTRA

Chapter VI: Operation Gladio

Chapter VII: Operation Mockingbird


Chapter IX: The Phoenix Program

Chapter X: Iran/Contra

Chapter XI: Continuity of Government

Chapter XII: The Pedophocracy

Chapter XIII: Cults and Child Abuse

Chapter XIV: Trauma-Based Mind Control

Chapter XV: The Pathocracy

Chapter XVI: Solutions

Chapter XVII: The Awakening

And here’s author Silver’s Conclusion of the first chapter, “The War on Terror is a Fraud,” driven by his investigation into the origin of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in 1978:


After trillions of dollars spent, hundreds of thousands of deaths, repeated domestic rights infringements, we are left with only a handful of proven Al-Qaeda members, with a majority of prisoners simply being held without charges.

Al-Qaeda, the organization purported to be a sprawling monster after the September 11th attacks, has been revealed to be a shell of an operation, financed by wealthy US allies. The result is endless war: Politicians, military and media shine the light just right to make the shadow of the mouse look huge and monstrous to justify endless profits. The media is not even connecting the most basic of dots to reveal the tremendous deception.

The evidence is a repeated policy of the destabilization of Central Asia and the development of Islamic radicals that spans decades. The result is a new global enemy without borders or diplomatic representation that can be fought indefinitely. Unless significant changes are made, we are looking at a future with an endless war on ‘terrorism’ where more terrorists are created daily by the very policies that are meant to be fighting them, and a foreign policy dictated by the whims of war profiteering.

And what kind of influence are we having in the Middle East? The rhetoric of ‘bringing democracy to the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan’ would be laughable were it not such a grandiose and destructive lie. The impact of American intervention in these two countries has been disastrous.

“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan,” one American official said, “was the United States.” – New York Times80

This New York Times article describes how the CIA routinely funneled millions of dollars without oversight in unmarked bags to the offices of President Hamid Karzai, while simultaneously denouncing the Iranian policy of doing the exact same thing. U.S. officials are quoted as saying that instead of buying the loyalty of the Afghan President, the payments instead proliferated into a vast web of corruption while Karzai became increasingly defiant of U.S. interests.

In Iraq, the country has devolved into near anarchy with monthly death tolls from terrorism sometimes reaching the thousands. In 2004, the New York Times reported that there was a massive assassination campaign targeting intellectuals and professionals, with between 500 and 1,000 urban professionals killed in just a nine-month span.81 From drive by shootings to stealth murders in the victims home, officials in Iraq agree that there is a massive campaign to silence the capable and educated.

“’They are going after our brains,’ said Lt. Col. Jabbar Abu Natiha, head of the organized crime unit of the Baghdad police. ‘It is a big operation. Maybe even a movement.’ These white-collar killings, American and Iraqi officials say, are separate from – and in some ways more insidious than – the settling of scores with former Baath Party officials, or the singling-out of police officers and others thought to be collaborating with the occupation. Hundreds of them have been attacked as well in an effort to sow insecurity and chaos. But by silencing urban professionals, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, a spokesman for the occupation forces, the guerrillas are waging war on Iraq’s fledgling institutions and progress itself. The dead include doctors, lawyers and judges.”

In other words, Iraq is being left without the very people who could have been future leaders of democracy, and whom could have established a functioning society. And note that shortly after the George W. Bush invaded Iraq, a corporate friendly government was established.

Furthermore, it is not empty rhetoric to say that the Iraq invasion was based on lies. In 2012, the Iraqi defector responsible for the ‘evidence’ of chemical weapon production in Iraq which was presented to the United Nations by Colin Powell, who portrayed his evidence as “facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence”, confessed to BBC that his claims were entirely fabricated.82 Clearly there is an agenda that does not mesh with the rhetoric!

Will the War on Terror ever end? Who truly has the incentive to scale back the operation? Not clandestine agencies or the military, who are seeing their budgets increase year by year. Certainly not any of the major influences in politics, banks and corporations, who are seeing massive profits from government contracts and resource exploitation. And most certainly not the politicians in Washington, who virtually rely on the lobbying of these organizations to keep their jobs.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald put it succinctly:

“But what one can say for certain is that there is zero reason for US officials to want an end to the war on terror, and numerous and significant reasons why they would want it to continue. It’s always been the case that the power of political officials is at its greatest, its most unrestrained, in a state of war. Cicero, two thousand years ago, warned that “In times of war, the law falls silent”. John Jay, in Federalist No. 4, warned that as a result of that truth, “nations in general will make war whenever they have a prospect of getting anything by it … for the purposes and objects merely personal, such as thirst for military glory, revenge for personal affronts, ambition, or private compacts to aggrandize or support their particular families or partisans.” If you were a US leader, or an official of the National Security State, or a beneficiary of the private military and surveillance industries, why would you possibly want the war on terror to end? That would be the worst thing that could happen. It’s that war that generates limitless power, impenetrable secrecy, an unquestioning citizenry, and massive profit.” – Glenn Greenwald, writing for The Guardian83

Greenwald also notes the hopelessness of combating terrorism with further violence.

“Indeed, virtually every person accused of plotting to target the US with terrorist attacks in last several years has expressly cited increasing US violence, aggression and militarism in the Muslim world as the cause. There’s no question that this ‘war’ will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire.”

But the notion that the US government is even entertaining putting an end to any of this is a pipe dream, and the belief that they even want to is fantasy. They’re preparing for more endless war; their actions are fueling that war; and they continue to reap untold benefits from its continuation. Only outside compulsion, from citizens, can make an end to all of this possible.”

Go to wanttoknow.info for the pdf. I’ve got it on my ipad, and will not look at anything else on that device until I have at least skimmed all 300 pages (and read closely the sections Fred Burks has helpfully put in bold type).

We owe it to ourselves to understand as much as possible “what’s going on” behind the scenes of current chaotic conditions globally to remind ourselves of the utter necessity of all that we are doing locally in our daily lives to creatively transform this sorry world. Knowledge IS power. This power fuels us as we individually, cooperatively, and playfully multiply loaves and fishes into abundance for all beings.


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August 15, 2021 at 10:27 pm
Thank You, Sydney and Team Kraken, for…
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August 9, 2021 at 6:44 pm
Will check out this reference. Thanks!
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The fact that a bunch of psychopaths…
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Fixed. Thank you!
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