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Honoring Pachamama, South America leads the way to global justice

When I read about the recent bold arrest of Chevron and TransOcean executives in Brazil I inwardly cheered. And now, today, I see that they have been charged with a “crime against nature”! YES!

Here’s the first few paragraphs of that news, thanks to common dreams.org.

Prosecutors say ‘crime against nature’ could land imprudent company’s employees in jail

– Common Dreams staff

Executives from US oil company Chevron and the drilling company Transocean are facing criminal charges in Brazil following a large offshore oil spill in November of 2011.

The prosecutors said in a statement that it was charging “Chevron, oil drilling contractor Transocean and 17 executives with environmental crime and damage in connection with the oil spill.”

If found guilty, the executives could face up to 31 years in prison.


South America leads the way to global justice in the face of what Naomi Klein nailed as shock doctrine predatory capitalism.

I am reminded of the breathtaking declaration, from two years ago, initiated by Bolivia:

Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth

This Declaration was adopted, in Bolivia, by the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. The Bolivian government submitted it to the United Nations for consideration. What happened there? Did it “pass”?

For the text of the declaration, see this.


Meanwhile, Max, an exopermaculture reader, points me to a fierce struggle, going on right now, in Ecuador. He writes:

Ecuador is about to begin massive mining and oil projects that will permanently alter ecosystems. People are marching from all over the country to the capital, Quito, in protest. The marchers will arrive TOMORROW (I think this was yesterday). They are calling it the “Plurinational March for Water, Life, and Dignity of the People.”


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Fixed. Thank you!
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