Green Acres Village, early to mid-August, part one: Work parties, poison ivy, pool party

I’m panting as I try to catch up with various activities around here. Especially since I was struck by poison ivy three days ago during one of our work parties, when, while clearing brush, I came upon a cluster of poison ivy plants and stupidly pulled them, thinking by this time, having drunk my own urine during poison ivy season for years now (the exception? this year; oops!) I was immune to the stuff. Oh yeah? Think again! Yesterday was the third day, traditionally “the worst.” And the worst it was: I had been up six times during the night, and noticed that as my skin felt irritated, so did my inner state become intensely irritable. Inside/outside: SAME. So I practiced noticing, and breathing, all day long, while preparing for yesterday evening’s Community Dinner, which we had decided to hold inside, given the prevalence of mosquitos now, and which meant that Dan and I had to clean house!

Here’s the famous Monday, when I contracted poison ivy during our morning work party clearing this patch in prep for new water containment plan.


And here’s the recipe Reader Rose sent me to counteract poison ivy. I’ll get to a nearby sycamore tree this very afternoon. YES!




Speaking of work parties, one week ago Monday my grandkids, who were here for the first time without their parents, joined us.

They were lucky enough to be here for last week’s Pool Party, the Thursday Community Dinner we held at “the aunties” house, after they (Wanda and Sophia) had asked for us to do this for months! So glad we did. The kids enjoyed it, of course —

— and, although only two adults joined them in the pool, there was girl talk at one end of the pool between parents Eva and Mariella —

— while the rest of us waited for grilled goodies — both meat and veggies — and brought our offerings into the gazebo.


At some point Roberto arrived, with his usual fabulous Talenti Gelato ice cream.

But this week he was upstaged, at the last minute, by Devon, tanned from his three-week Hawaiian vacation, hauling an enormous load of local Chocolate Moose ice cream! I’ve still got some in the freezer, and granddaughter Kiera gobbled one container the morning of their flight back to Boston.

About Ann Kreilkamp

PhD Philosophy, 1972. Rogue philosopher ever since.
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2 Responses to Green Acres Village, early to mid-August, part one: Work parties, poison ivy, pool party

  1. Laura Bruno says:

    Jewelweed soap is also amazing for poison ivy — both the itch, and also if you know you’ve contacted the poison ivy, for washing off the volatile oils. I hope you feel better. I usually get it every year. This year it was poison oak from David, who’s immune to poison ivy … but didn’t know he was covered in poison oak. I only got a little, but he had it everywhere for awhile. Jewelweed’s awesome. I never heard of the sycamore trick. Thanks, Rose and Ann!

    • Ann Kreilkamp says:

      I have been applying jewelweed salve that we make here. Today, the fourth day, much better, though certainly not gone! Don’t feel like killing anyone today. A good sign!

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