So many folks asked me what the UFO conference was about that I agreed to give an off-the-cuff presentation on it towards the end of our meal. About two dozen participated, ate lots of terrific food, and, as usual, one person whom none of us had ever met before joined us.
Two main groupings. The dining room table people —
— and the coffee table people.
The dinner included two young girls: Sophia (daughter of Eva, granddaughter of Wanda; both present) — BTW: Sophia brought another of her justly famous desserts, this one brownies made with banana bread, cinnamon and nutmeg — yum! —
—and Siah, Sophia’s step-sister, whose been here only once before, I think.
Even before everyone was done eating, I wanted to get up and say something about the UFO MegaCon. What? I didn’t know. But ended up talking mostly about the “hybridization program” that I discussed briefly in one of the three posts I put up about that week-long event (archived here). So if you want to know why some people were listening and others were not —
— or perplexed? disturbed?, or even bored,
— or purely uncomprehending,
I don’t blame them! It’s definitely wild, way beyond “normal.” If interested in what the heck I was talking about, check out that archive!
Afterwards, Miah and Sophia wasted no time in corralling enough adults to play a game of ASSASIN!
So much for the introduction of subject that fascinates me to this group! Oh well.
Next week we travel to Eva’s for a Community Dinner and Spring Fling. There will be a new dog along, my Shadow, aka “The Silver Sausage,” who has been shorn.