For the past school, we have been hosting Community Dinners on a weekly basis, each one at one of the two houses in our little ecopod, with one of the three people who live in each house as the “lead,” who sets the theme, provides a key part of that meal, and finds others to help set-up and wash dishes. This followed a year when we tried to host three meals a week, each week lighting the same match, which never really took off. But this year, oh my! The momentum has been enormous, so much so that even on the few occasions when the “lead” for that week really wanted to cancel, it was impossible. Too many people are now involved. Too much energy is moving in the direction of holding the weekly meal. So, the “lead” bites the bullet and digs in, and as ever, has a grand time.
For last night’s final dinner of the semester, Mariella, who has been participating regularly with her kids, wanted to host. The theme would be barbeque. She and her husband Alfeo would provide and cook the meat. Great!
It turns out that those who had assembled here to walk the two blocks to Mariella’s house on 8th Street ended up as a sort of impromptu parade, which I then thought to catch with my iphone.
When we reached the end of 8th Street, I asked them to halt, surround our new sign with their dinner offerings, so I could take a picture. YES!
Mariella and Alfeo’s deep back yard is amazing, perfect for a large gathering that features a number of different areas for conversation and a swing set for kids. Luckily, the weather, which has been cold and rainy for weeks, cleared just beforehand! Mariella told me that she kept imaging it clearing in time for the event. Well, uh, the woman is magic!
She also told me she’d like their place to be the summer venue for events. Wow! But that she will need help. Yes, I said, when we do events, since there are six adults living here, it’s easier to get help. Whether her plans will materialize is up to all of us.
Meanwhile, here we are!
Alfeo, in front, lit the campfire.
The barbeque set up was terrific.
Plenty of wonderful food, including “poke and beans” (no, that’s not a mispelling of “pork,” that’s poke! As in poke weed).
Afterwards, I had brought organic ice cream and cones, and personally served everyone who wanted one (or two): “Mint chocolate chip or Cookies ‘n Cream? In sugar cone or pointy cone?”
A wonderful evening. Thanks to Mariella and Alfeo and all the kids and everyone who participated in any way. YES!
1 thought on “GREEN ACRES PHOTOS: Final Community Dinner of School Year”
Yes a wonderful evening indeed. I like how all 4 men in the picture by the Green Acres sign have longer hair than Brie and I 🙂