This post is fantastic. Reminds me of one noon time incident at Crones Counsel, held that year in Seattle, back about seven years ago. We were sitting in an atrium having lunch. Several swaggering macho characters entered the hotel, and began to march over to a room where some New Age people had set up a temporary book store. It was clear the men were up to no good.
As one, without speaking, at least two dozen crones got up from lunch, linked hands, and walked over to create a barrier between the people in the vendor room and the macho men. Then, slowly, but surely, we escorted them out. The hotel staff, as you can imagine, were intensely grateful.
Here’s a photo and text from the cronescounsel website, taken, no doubt, during a recent annual Saturday Night “crone follies.”
Gatherings are wonderful. But not enough. Not now. Let us older and wiser women, all across this suffering land, begin to access and act upon, what we damn well know.
These Grannies Are Helping to Plug the School to Military Pipeline at Its Source
When teachers are underpaid and schools are underserved, why do we pay veterans to encourage young students to join the military?
On a Wednesday afternoon last month, a group of gray-haired women with canes and Styrofoam guns lined the streets outside the New York City Department of Education’s headquarters in Brooklyn. “Get the military out of our schools!” they shouted, capturing pedestrians’ attention. “No more JROTC!” These were the courageous women of the Granny Peace Brigade, and they were there to protest what they see as the militarization of the city’s public schools.