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Fukushima fear porn?

1485107_236290886542320_1116846841_nI received this email from a friend today:

Hi Ann:

I sent your blog: https://exopermaculture.com/2014/07/31/fukushimas-ongoing-possible-ramifications-sea-creature-die-off-and-california-thunderbolts/ to friends who are from the Pacific Northwest, now living in Phoenix, but who are leaving tomorrow for a month stay there and frequently visit.

Charlie had some interesting comments about the Fukushima blog posts. Kind of an insider perspective. He asked for neither his name or email be used, please.

Thanks, Ann.
Hugs, R

Glad to have this information to balance the other. Thanks, R.

Ultimately, with anything we get from afar, we need to use discernment, what I have learned to call my “six-foot long shit-detector.” It’s hard to know, perhaps even impossible to know, what’s real and what’s not — or maybe I should even say, what’s real in any one person’s given reality. Who knows, every single person on this planet (and elsewhere) may have his or her own reality, sprouting an infinite number of parallel worlds, each one tailored to reflect that person’s specific consciousness . . . In any case, here’s what R. got from Charlie.

Got your email and read the articles in the link. I, too, am very concerned about the effects of Fukushima radiation on the Pacific Northwest sea life. I looked into this months ago when we knew we were going up there this August, as we both love seafood and I wanted to know if it was going to be safe to eat it.

The thing I found a little unsettling about the articles was the tone of near hysteria that seemed to permeate them. In Michael Snyder’s post, he mentions numerous examples of what appear to be the near collapse of the marine ecosystem, like the record number of sea lions dying in California and the nearly complete devastation of the oyster industry. Trust me, I love oysters, and will be seeking out the truth when I am in Seattle. Just last month, when we were in California on our honeymoon, I saw more elephant seals and sea lions on the beaches from San Simeon to the Russian River than I have ever seen before in my life. Didn’t look like anything devastating to me, anyway.

The other article, by Yoichi Shimatsu, seemed even more extreme to me. He talks about the increase in radiation levels and the resultant disastrous effects, including lightening strikes at Venice Beach, which he attributes to the radiation. I have no technical expertise to evaluate what could possibly cause such events, and I do agree it is strange. But if you have ever been to LA and looked around, I think you would agree that there could be literally hundreds of possible pollution sources that could contribute to weird and bizarre events. But his statements about the radiation levels, including the Pacific Northwest, don’t jive with other findings I have uncovered. Just a day or two ago, Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in concert with the Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, tested the waters off the coast and found no levels of Fukushima radiation.


Buesseler has been doing these tests for some time now all over the west coast. What I know from having lived in the Pacific Northwest for 30 years is that the people and businesses of this region have a huge stake and investment in the marine ecosystem. Even fish sellers in Seattle have sent samples to a lab in Louisiana because they were concerned about radiation levels, and the results showed nothing. Everyone thinks that something may show up at some point, but not in the catastrophic numbers that these articles are talking about. And I don’t think that Buesseler and the people and communities of the Pacific Northwest who depend on the sea for their livelihoods are conducting any kind of a coverup. It behooves them to know the truth for their own safety.

So I take what I read in these articles with a grain of salt. And I will certainly keep my eyes open and ask lots of questions when we are up there this month, as I, too, am very concerned about all of this. Thanks for sending me the info, and if I learn anything interesting, I will let you know.


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