Though this video was made during the Bush/Cheney era, it’s even more relevant now. It’s wide-ranging and comprehensive, reminding me of Naomi Klein (Shock Doctrine) and John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man). Steele’s predictions of “populism” rising are, thanks to everybody, beginning to ring true.
From my notes: “WarMart kills jobs for 200 miles around any store. We should not be imprisoning more people than the Soviets did. I used to think wars were caused by accidents, hatred, emotions, etc., but I started to realize, with General Butler, War is a Racket. Behind the U.S. corporations are the banks, behind the banks are a few wealthy banking families. And it turns out that wars and drugs and genocide and uncontrolled infectious disease are a form of eugenics. They are harvesting profit from people that they think deserve to die. . . .”
Thanks to
1 thought on “Ex-CIA Agent Robert Steele: “The public is beginning to realize that guns and corporations and drugs and crime are all connected, that world government and world corporations are bad for your health. Big is bad.””
Eyes are waking up for sure … great report