WOW! Until my friend Darvesha sent me this . . .
I didn’t notice the powerful synchronicity, of Mars moving from 29°59 Pisces to 0°00 Aries, thus starting a brand new cycle of the zodiac, less than three hours prior to the ball dropping in Times Square for 2019!
So yes, I’d say this New Year’s ceremony and celebration very definitely IS a double whammy, given that Mars, entering Aries for the first time in two years, operates in its own sign and thus, for the next six weeks, until February when it slows to ground down in Taurus, Mars in Aries will promote swift, sure, bold, courageous action.
Meanwhile, in this Mars in Aries ingress chart, the Ascendant sits at 29° Leo, exactly conjunct Trump’s 29° Leo Ascendant. The colossus — love him or hate him — will be on stage, front and center.
And, pay attention now: in this chart, which means on this New Year’s Eve, the Sun itself, is moving towards its annual exact conjunction with Saturn, which occurs this year at 11° Capricorn, which will occur tomorrow, on New Year’s Day. Strict, serious, disciplined Saturn, with the Sun’s eye on its goal, rolls out a Saturn plan of Mars action. Again, pay attention.
Lots of planets and points in Capricorn, some conjunct the karmic South Node: What is at issue? Karmic takedown of old, stuck, calcified, “deep state” structures.
Moon at 13°43 Scorpio exactly trines Neptune at 14°05 Pisces: Emotional Power diffuses into Cosmic Mystery. Let us feel this moment fully. And then let us pray.
I post this at 9:26 p.m., within minutes of Mars entering Aries . . .
1 thought on “DOUBLE WHAMMY FOR 2019: Mars reaches 0° Aries on New Year’s Eve”
Yes, interesting times indeed! And Pluto will square the Eris point tonight. The male and female planets of war getting triggered on the same day…WHAT DOES IT MEAN???!!!
Ah, to heck with it. I’m digging out my beer bong. It’s only about thirty years deep in the closet.
Bottom’s up! Or tops down, which is always preferable!!