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Do you see him? The Diaphanous Man!

diaphanous deathOn June 17, I posted my take on the astrology of what promised, last week, to be an action-packed adventure:

This week’s astrology features Sun/Jupiter, Galactice Center and Summer Solstice: EXPAND TO GREET THE LIGHT!

And yes, the feeling of the entire time was extraordinary.

Notes on this Glorious Summer Solstice Day

At some point during this onrushing glory, I posted, as a sort of aside, that I was considering the idea of changing the tagline for this blog from “Bridging Above and Below” to “Blending Above and Below,” and a day or so later, did change it, by including rather than choosing: “Bridging/Blending Above and Below.”

On Sunday, the final day of this astonishing adventure, just prior to being hurtled over the Moon by the still unfolding Edward Snowden saga that is ripping the mask off whatever official hypocrisy remained, I took a walk. InDiana! And, apparently, expanded to greet the light.

Only I didn’t know it. Not only had I forgotten that I had written those words, and hadn’t noticed the exhortation to myself implied in them, but I didn’t see what was clearly visible in a photo I took and posted yesterday when I wrote up the walk.

Last night, in the middle of a dramatic thunderstorm that woke me up, I noticed that a reader had commented:

“Did you fail to notice the diaphanous man that is floating in the center upper third of your photograph? The face is so clear.”

4 thoughts on “Do you see him? The Diaphanous Man!”

  1. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    I love how Nature Spirits and the Faery Realm continue to reveal themselves more and more through photographs and videos. Here’s a Summer Solstice photo taken by Ann Kreilkamp of Exopermaculture, a fellow InDiana resident. (We’ve agreed to refer to our state as InDiana — “in the Goddess of the Woods.” Love it!) Just wanted to share her photo, as well as the subtle ways these revelations from Nature interweave with the more mundane revelations of whistleblowers. It’s all happening right now for those with eyes to see. What do *you* wish to view? What kind of world are *you* inviting and engaging?

  2. There’s another one to the far left. I can see his face and arm pretty clearly. The legs are a bit more difficult to make out, but the energy is strong. I was feeling the energy and, upon looking at it again, noticed the figure.

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