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December Finale 2020, Day Twenty: Prepare for Tomorrow’s Winter Solstice Great Conjunction Synchronized Global Meditation!

Here I go. Another December Finale 2020 post with nothing to do with politics or geopolitics! Proud of my forebearance . . .

Oh but wait! Check out this remarkable George Pittman thread, which appears to answer several questions I had.

Okay, I’ve spent some time online trying to figure out exactly when this global synchronized meditation is supposed to occur tomorrow at the very moment of the extremely rare Great Conjunction on the holiest of days, Winter Solstice, and wouldn’t you know, there are conflicting reports!

My astrology program puts the moment when the two planets come closest together in what was it, 400 years? 800 years? at 12:08 pm EST.

Notice, BTW: that if this chart is used, then it puts formless, spiritual, communing Neptune, the most appropriate planet ever for global synchronized meditation, within two degrees of the Ascendant for Bloomington, Indiana. Bingo!

But then, according to Jean Hudon (see below), the time UTC is supposedly 10:02 AM, which puts EST five hours later at 3:02 p.m. . . .

And that’s not the only version. There are others, as I found when I checked a few websites. Here we go, another Neptunian condition, confusing a situation which, in this case, feels especially poignant, given that it is supposed to be a global synchronized meditation!

The problem is:

Yep. Another different UTC time . . .

I’m electing to go with Jean Hudon’s UTC time. However, he says (see below) that puts the time EST at 4:37 pm. Huh? And UTC is five hours ahead? That makes it six hours ahead.

Okay, let’s just call it 10:02 AM UTC plus five equals 3:02 PM EST, and so those of us who feel called here in Green Acres Village will gather at about 2:30 pm, so as to follow along with Jean Hudon’s meditation instructions:

Beloved souls,

You are invited to join in a globally synchronized meditation, for the solstice this coming Monday, December 21. A new guided meditation is available to facilitate a deeper awareness of Who We Are.

Since the climax of this solstice will be at 10:02 GMT/Universal Time, it is recommended that you start playing the mp3 recording provided for this meditation 24 minutes and 30 seconds before this moment, that is at 09:37:30 GMT/UT, which corresponds, if you live in Los Angeles, to 01:37 and 30 seconds, in New York, to 04:37 and 30 seconds, and in London UK, to 09:37 and 30 seconds. For the other time zones, you will find at https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=21&month=12&year=2020&hour=09&min=37 your local corresponding time to begin playing the recording.

To accurately set the time of your mp3 player (computer, tablet or cell phone), simply visit https://www.timeanddate.com.

If you cannot take part to this globally synchronized meditation at 10:02 GMT/UT, please pick any other moment that suits you best, and do the same procedure suggested above while mentally projecting yourself at the exact moment when it is occurring in the Time Continuum, knowing that time is merely an illusion from our physical standpoint, and that the power of our focused intent can easily overcome this illusion.

As usual, the recording lasts 30 minutes, and includes, after the first 13 minutes of guided meditation, an inspiring musical track to accompany your inner journey.

To let you know in the recording that the climax of the solstice has arrived, you will hear for the first time the words “So be it and so it is”, which are then followed by over 5 more minutes of music. If you want to remain in silence to continue meditating, after the end of this 30 minute recording, simply add nothing else in your playlist (depending on the type of device you use). Otherwise, select the music of your choice. For optimal sound quality, it is preferable that you set the equalizer settings of your mp3 player at “flat” (you add no bass and no treble).

To download the mp3 recording, please do so preferably via http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/mp3/MeditationDecember212020.mp3 (using the right-click button of your mouse or the equivalent on a trackpad or a touch screen – using two fingers simultaneously), or, alternatively, via the “Download” option – accessible through the button featuring a downward pointing arrow – at https://www.dropbox.com/s/pu9a56cszf7gahv/MeditationDecember212020.mp3. It is also possible to play the recording without downloading it at the two links above. Please remember to keep a copy of this recording for your future uses in 2021, since this guided meditation will be used for our solstice and equinox meditations in 2021.

Thank you for your assistance in widely networking and sharing this invitation which is archived at http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/DecemberMeditation2020.htm. It is available on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AwakeningKeys/posts/1547530572124336. The French version is available at http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/MeditationDecembre2020.htm.

If you wish to be invited by e-mail to the next solstice and equinox meditations, just send an email to globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com with “I want to receive the invitations to future global meditations” as the subject of your email.


You might want to remember that the very first syncbhonized global meditation took place in mid-August 1987, hereinafter called Harmonic Convergence, which to me, translated into Harmonic Emergence.

Fairfield University has done several studies showing the effectiveness of mass meditations to raise the frequency here on planet Earth.

As for tomorrow, there will also be a group of Australian aboriginal elders in meditation at Uluru.

This date is a very big deal, folks. And going into meditation, whether alone or with others, at some point in this long-looked-forward-to day, cannot help but be very beneficial for the entire world. And it helps to structure the meditation, which is why I include Jean Hudon’s in this post.

As for Green Acres Villagers, whether or not everyone here joins the meditation, we will take a break afterwards and then, assuming the sky is clear of clouds, we all plan to walk to the top of the highest hill in Bloomington shortly before sunset tomorrow, hoping to see the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the southwestern sky shortly after the sun sets. Afterwards, we will come back here for a special dinner in honor of this astonishing year of 2020 that is meant to produce CLEAR VISION, and that is now to culminate in a sacred Great Conjunction Winter Solstice event. YES!


4 thoughts on “December Finale 2020, Day Twenty: Prepare for Tomorrow’s Winter Solstice Great Conjunction Synchronized Global Meditation!”

  1. You are calculating the time differences incorrectly. Since you are living in Indiana, You must SUBTRACT 5 hours from UTC (Greenwich – England) time . Indiana is 5 hours BEHIND England. 10:02 UTC is 5:02 in the morning in Indiana. 18:20 UTC is 13:20 in Indiana (1:20 afternoon)

    1. Oh wow, thanks! DUH! And yet there are still so many different times given for the actual conjunction. I think I’ll stick to what we have planned here for this event.

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