Needless to say, this detailed analysis of the dark symbolism supposedly used by the cabal is very interesting to one such as myself who tends to be symbolically inclined. Since I couldn’t bring myself to watch either ceremony, I was grateful for his view of the symbolic meaning of both many creepy images that he found in these rituals and the links he found to to same or similar images and symbols from other times and places.
(BTW: I wondered about the name of the weirdly contorted “ArcelorMittal Orbit” tower (see below) which one critic in an called “An overgrown maypole in a world that has replaced magic with spectacle.” And the weird name? Well of course! Arcelor Mittal is a gigantic global corporation.)
Wilcock’s conclusion, that the in-your-face blatancy of this summer’s Olympic symbology shows the cabal’s increasing desperation — may it prove true!
I excerpt from the first few paragraphs. Do read the whole thing; though at times a bit far-fetched for my taste, it’s fascinating, at the very least.
OLYMPICS 2012: An Mithraic Illuminati Ritual?
by David Wilcock
This was also the biggest show on Earth. The 2012 Olympics was the second most-watched event in American TV history — at 210.5 million people.
Aug. 13: Olympics Second Most-Watched Event in US TV History
The 2012 London Olympics were the second most watched event in American TV history, early Nielsen ratings show….
A total of 210.5 million people tuned in to catch the 2012 London Olympics on the first 14 days, across NBCUniversal’s networks that include NBC, NBC Sports Network, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo and Bravo.
The 2012 viewership surpassed the audience of 209 million who watched the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, but lagged behind the 215 million U.S. viewers for the 2008 Beijing Games.
By the time you add in all the people in other countries, proudly following the Olympic Games to see how their athletes performed, the number of viewers could be well over half a billion people.
No other media event on Earth — at least so far — has ever attracted this many viewers. If you wanted to advertise the existence of a vast, secretive, super-wealthy cult to as many people as possible, this would be the best way to do it.
Despite the massive potential for misunderstanding and the obvious scrutiny of every detail, what we saw was an incredibly blatant display of weird, occult symbolism — both before and especially after the Games.
Yes… it does seem like a comic-book storyline, pulled right out of a silly B movie script.
Nonetheless, if people are being hurt, or even killed by this group, then this cult must be exposed — and their influence must be stopped.
Our story begins with a bizarre, enormous sculpture erected directly next to the Olympic Stadium — the ArcelorMittal Orbit.
At 114.5 meters high, the ArcelorMittal Orbit is now the tallest building in the entire United Kingdom — at least according to the official announcement of its release, which you can read here.
Even to the untrained eye, it looks suspicious — even disturbing. Fashioned out of blood-red steel bars, it obviously resembles a snake coiled around a pillar — possibly constricting and squeezing the life out of it:
This bizarre, towering sculpture was first announced, with computer-generated mockups of what it would look like, on March 31, 2010.
As you can see by reading the comments section in the following link, the announcement triggered a massive public backlash.
Almost everyone described it as a hideous, repulsive, ominous, even threatening eyesore:
ArcelorMittal Orbit Announcement