I woke up at my son’s house in Acton Massachusetts at 6:20 A.M. this morning, eleven minutes past the time for the exact Full Moon, the first Christmas Full Moon since 1977, and the only one until 2034. So it’s a BIG DEAL.
1977 was the year we discovered Chiron. It was also the year that the first Star Wars movie was released. Lots of reverberations to way back when, 38 years ago. And guess what? Today, Christmas Day, is also when Uranus, which has been traveling Rx since July 27, now turns to go into direct motion.
So yes a double BIG DEAL.
Themes having to do with emotional vulnerabity, home, family, food, community, plans, organizational structures, discipline and intent, are all featured during this Cancer/Capricorn full moon. With Uranus turning to go direct, whatever has been waiting in the wings, chomping at the bit, can now begin to plunge forward. Including, perhaps, communication among family members that has been sitting there, underneath the surface, waiting to rise up. Since Neptune trines the Sun/Moon opposition, hopefully that communication can be done in a smooth, compassionate way. However, with Mercury squaring Mars during these next few days, there may be fireworks, even so. So watch your mouth! And your step! Uranus governs “accidents.” It also governs breakthroughs, complete reconfiguration of long-held dynamics that release pent-up energy.
As we move from the Winter Solstice dark towards increasing light, this release feels both urgent and welcome.