Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
— Leonard Cohen, from ANTHEM
Last night, in one of my restless moods (and yes, I’m back with the ipad in the middle of the night, but not so obsessively) I listened to Leonard Cohen’s last interview. What an astonishing complex and self-aware human being . . . His memory is so very welcome and appreciated in this polarizing era when virtue signaling and political correctness have hardened even usually mild-mannered people into idiotic, mind-controlled bullhorns, spouting mindless slogans against their designated Other.
Did you know that for each of the verses that made it into one of his iconic songs, there were five or ten or twenty that did not? He especially looked for sloganeering inside his own psyche, and ruthlessly uprooted and discarded it.