I know this subject isn’t nearly as sexy as rabbit hole subjects like secret space technologies and underground bases and ET involvement with humans both good and bad, etc. etc., but remember, all of these hot topics are usually ultimately sourced in the out of control MIC (Military Industrial Complex), and remember that we can’t just call this rotten stuff out, we have to figure out a long-term strategy for transforming it.
I remember going to a peace conference with Carol Rosin that was organized by Bruce Gagnon, way back in the early 1990s. He’s been at it at least 20 years. As has the woman he interviews here, Miriam Pemberton, of the Institute for Policy Studies. Both are old farts like me, with decades of experience in learning how to stay the course, no matter what. As we say, at any scale, the hardest work is the most difficult to do, and takes the most time. Diversifying the economy from war to peace is, obviously, monumental. Since all of our corporate manufacturing is geared towards supplying weapons and materiel for war, we have to have endless war or the economy collapses. As Bruce Gagnon asks, “What does this say about the soul of our nation?”
The most important practical “take” from this interview: In order to affect this shift, we must create Commisions at the state level like the one Connecticut successfully introduced, and we must do Transition Planning with all the stakeholders. According to both Gagnon and Pemberly, workers like machinists, for example, are already on board, privately saying they would much prefer making something that’s actually productive than something that’s going to be used to destroy.
But of course, they want to keep their jobs.
So it’s all about jobs, all about what kind of manufacturing base will deliver the most jobs. Well, according to this interview, a study commissioned by the IPS discovered that the same one billion dollars would deliver 11,000 jobs for the military and 17,000 jobs for transportation. It’s simply not true that we must sustain the deeply immoral and wasteful and destructive military monoculture in order to “bring in the jobs.”