Remember, as a toddler, your mother warning you not to touch the hot stove? Indeed, the very first word out of my mouth, even before Mommy, was “HOT!”
This fiery full moon promises to be hotter than usual, and those of us who are aware — of how we can spark disputes by unconsciously following the flash of our desire nature — need to be on hand with fire hoses, ready to douse even the tiniest flame. For with this era’s defining intensity — discontented Eris conjunct unpredictable Uranus — closely conjunct the full moon in Aries, this week (and this crazy month leading up to a nightmarish “choice” between a corrupt neocon warmongering “woman” and a bloviating mysoginistic wild card) may prove to be one of humanity’s crucial turning points, away from endless war towards realizing that we MUST “make peace” with any “enemy.” Full moons bring illumination, possible integration of contradiction, in this case between self and other, Aries and Libra. The key is to always see the Other as a Self (walk in their footsteps), and to recognize the Self in the Other (take back all projections). Once we begin to do that, we enter the vast open space of communion, compassion, and ultimately, common ground.
Plus notice that this week aggressive Mars begins to reach for structural Pluto in Capricorn . . .
Given the astrological context, Benjamin Fulford’s message for this week is, shall we say, stimulating? Here’s the first part. The full report comes out on Thursday.
Then too, be aware of Gorbachev’s warning:
Here’s what astrologer Eric Francis Coppolino has to say about this week’s energies.
Special Comment: A Sensitive Moment
Posted by Eric Francis, October 11, 2016
This is certainly an interesting time — very few moments in modern American political history stand out like what we’re now seeing. We can name a few in league: the impeachment, the stolen election, the events of Sept. 11, the Iran-Contra scandal, and those strange days of August 1974 when Pres. Nixon resigned.
For those who have been watching with dismay as these travesties have gone down over the decades, what’s now happening is a culmination point: the total unraveling of a fraudulent candidacy, of the candidate himself, and of his entire political party, which is now lying in tatters.
I would remind you that what’s happening is much, much larger than it seems. It represents something going on, not just in the foreground, but in the wide and deep and invisible background.
Hold that thought. Let’s go to the astrology. Today we have an exuberant aspect: Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Libra describes intelligence, beauty and balance. It describes a moment of awakening. But there are other, more sensitive aspects brewing.
The first is the Aries Full Moon, which takes place Saturday night into early Sunday, depending on your time zone. The Full Moon is building like a wave that crests in an exact conjunction to the goddess of discord and identity crisis, Eris. It’s also conjunct Uranus, a planet associated with the electrical and electronic realm. It’s also the planet of revolt and “expect the unexpected.” There’s a hint of violence with the Moon, Uranus and Eris in the sign associated with aggression.
A Full Moon in feisty Aries aligned with this era-defining conjunction means that anything is possible. At minimum, we will proceed through the week with mounting tension and a sense of not knowing what’s next. By Friday, we could see events move so quickly that news breaks by the hour. Astrology does not always deliver what is described in the chart, though that is what’s described.
Meanwhile, a conjunction between Mars and Pluto is building in Capricorn. Mars is still slow and powerful after its retrograde process that’s lasted all year. Two potent, focused energies are about to make a conjunction in the sign of government. This has a potentially violent feeling. Arlene Kramer, one of the master astrologers of our time, once said that in her opinion the keynote of Pluto in Capricorn was “heads will roll.” With Mars (which represents the head) in the equation, that’s a little ominous. It might represent many things, including something or someone being incapacitated.
Doing the chart for next week’s weekly horoscope, I noticed that the asteroid Requiem is mixed in with the Mars-Pluto conjunction. Requiem is the Roman Catholic mass for the dead. There are other hints in the chart: the presence of an asteroid about overreaction (Ophelia) and another about interwoven threads and conspiracies (Arachne).
I am not here to make predictions; I practice the philosophy that astrology can be used to avert problems, or turn negative forces to positive ends. As Marshall McLuhan reminded us, there is no inevitability as long as there is willingness to contemplate what is happening. Pay attention, and please keep your mind available and focused on dispelling violence and hatred against any one, for any reason.
— Eric Francis Coppolino
1 thought on “Beware/Be Aware: Fiery Full Moon in Aries conjuncts Eris/Uranus”
This is a great article and both Ann Kreilkamp and Eric Francis Coppolino have provided simple and easy to understand information which is a change from some other writers. Thank you! …. While reading this post I couldn’t help but think that when Aries (Mars) is strongly affected and/or influenced by Earth (Capricorn) and Water (Cancer Moon -Scorpio Mars/Pluto) ….when affected negatively an Aries (as such) can become manic or paranoid and completely lose it resulting in doing things which hurts others to order defend its Ego and accomplish its goal. Sadly they lose integrity in the eyes of others and suffer much karma if not rectified.