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Barbara Hand Clow: New Moon/Eclipse in Cancer: Get off the cross and feel Earth's joy!

New Moon/Eclipse

This wonderfully uplifting reading dovetails with my inner experience. Like Barbara, I too, have been feeling an extraordinary opening of the spirit, a sense of expectation, of light-drenched nature swelling in ecstatic communion with the cosmic divine.

FYI: Barbara’s reading sits within the Calleman map for the Mayan Calendar. Rather than December 21, 1012, this map shows the calendar reaching its ending/new beginning on October 28, 2011. I see both dates as meaningful, in that each represents the culmination of a set of interlocking cycles viewed from slightly different time/space perspectives.

Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse: July 1, 2011 View Chart
4:54 AM EDT, Washington, DC
(Midpoint of the Universal Underworld)

The New Moon in Cancer has arrived, the lunar activation of the June 21 Solstice, which north of the Equator is the emotional maturity of the strong Sun. In the solstice reading, I had fun playing with its magical field of vibrations, which was like a medieval madrigal. The solstice was absolutely revelatory for me this year, and during it I downloaded a compelling series of cosmic insights; these I share with you now as this lunation activates the midpoint of the Universal Underworld. Also, following the solstice, I noticed that some people close to me are turning their attention to prophecies of doom-and-gloom. Suddenly, segments of the New Age are becoming obsessed with the comets Honda and Elenin that are coming into our solar system this summer; some even suggest they are the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end times in Revelations. We hear wild tales of hail, fire, three days of darkness, and the avenging god, Jehovah demanding repentance! Meanwhile, I was basking in joyful goddess consciousness imagining Earth pulling comets, asteroids, and meteors into her complex folds, like a lover being seeded with sperm.

Those obsessed with old and moldy prophecies may miss the new cosmic revelations in our solar system. For example, in early June, Voyager I (after first leaving Earth in 1977) has finally made it out to the edge of the solar system (heliosphere). There, Voyager detected foamy magnetic bubbles 100 million miles in diameter that surround our solar system! (NASA Science News, June 9, 2011.) The Sun’s magnetic field extends to the inner edge of the heliosphere, and its outer surface is gobs of self-contained bubbles, which is how we interface with the Milky Way Galaxy! You may recall me noting that when Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld opened in November 2010, NASA announced that the Galactic Center erupted two symmetrical bubbles on the vertical axis that contain the energy equivalent of 100,000 supernovas? (Astrophysical Journal, November 10, 2010). Instead of fear and contraction, I begin with these wonderful examples of the fruition of the Galactic Underworld, which help us understand our galactic habitation. We live in a universe of goddess bubbles, not in a prison filled with prophets crying of end times, doom-and-gloom, and catastrophe.

This New Moon is the third and last eclipse that encases our summer awakening, so it focuses and intensifies the enlivened, inspired, and hopeful harmonic fields that arrived on June 21. Yet, those waiting for the apocalypse are infected by what the Pleiadians call god poison-“You are a hopeless sinner in need of repentance and forgiveness for all your sins because you are stuck in a fear-based world.” Thus, toxic people attach Judeo-Christian fundamentalist fanaticism to the arrival of the two comets in 2011. Sadly, this distracts us from our joyful and difficult climb to enlightenment during 2011. This dogma, soaked in guilt and the need for personal salvation, took over the early Roman Catholic Church during the fourth century, when patriarchal theologians distorted the heart-centered and cosmic teachings of Jesus. These beliefs became the core basis of the National Underworld religions that were generated in Rome on the midline. However, like all the National, Planetary, and Galactic systems that destroy Earth, male-dominant religious control is ending now. We can be sure of this because the systemic child abuse in the inner sanctums has been exposed. This knee-jerk reversion to doom-and-gloom may be the last picture show for those needing to froth up and pant once more as they wait for the apocalypse, but you also can choose to opt out. Regardless of what happens, most of us will wake up on October 29, 2011, and return to caring for our planet.

This latest apocalyptical fear insanity (catastrophobia) erupted during Night Three of the Universal. Now, during the proliferation phase of Day Four, we can use the powers of this Cancer solar eclipse to intentionally eliminate these last vestiges of god poison. In a just-released book, David Ian Cowan offers some good basic psychology: “The fears stirred up by discussions of planetary change and fundamental shifts in time and space are rooted in our physical bodies’ ego-based survivalist programming. Some anthropologists say the ego evolved primarily out of our need to survive in a hostile environment, and it still operates largely in this mode. The ego actually wants you to think you are your body, and that the preservation of that body should be your primary concern.” (Navigating the Collapse of Time) You are so much more than your body except when you all into fear; when you transcend fear and are in courage, you don’t worry about the loss of your physical body. Judeo-Christian theology cleverly and seductively ensnares its believers in their bodies by preaching about the survival of the Chosen People, the Remnant of the End Times. Intriguingly, this New Moon expresses the power of our souls and spirits. It offers us energy to release ego and attachment to any outcome, including any form of ending. Let’s move right into the heart of courage, the return of the goddess with the New Moon in Cancer.

During the June 21 solstice, the Sun going into Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn and squared Saturn in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries-a potent cardinal (initiating) grand square. Now, ten days later with this grand square still in place, the Moon in Cancer moves to the Sun. So, our desire for nurturance (Sun in Cancer), occurring amidst radical change (Pluto in Capricorn), within changing fractal fields (Uranus in Aries oppose Saturn in Libra), becomes an emotional crisis expressed by the Moon in Cancer. Thus, we feel all these elements shifting in the fractal fields. In response to studying the grand square, I say, it’s time to get off the cross and return to living on Earth. We know this because the Sabian symbol for 10 Cancer [always read by advancing one degree] is a “large diamond not completely cut.” (Marc Edmund Jones) This is the moment when we are ready to perfect ourselves by polishing the final facets of our souls to attain the cosmic meaning of life, the real purpose of the Universal Underworld. Since Cancer is our mother, the nurturer, we must cut away judgment and criticism on the facets of our diamond soul.

As we know from our studies of the Mayan Calendar, 2011 is the time for each one of us to move beyond all of the belief systems of the last 5,125 years that are not resonant with Earth. This includes removing our selves from the male dominant religions that claim God made a Covenant with humans to conquer nature, to exploit Earth. The arrival of the Moon in this grand square inspires us to really feel our love for Earth, so that we can place our hearts and minds in nature and feel her pain. Those presently obsessed with the wrath of the avenging God hurling comets at our planet miss feeling the joy of Earth expressing herself in synchronicity with cosmic events during the Universal. Whatever her expression will be, it will be ecstatic and beautiful.

Some may wonder what I really feel about religion and spirituality? For me, spirituality is ecstatic experiences with the divine within nature and all that is beyond. For me, the divine is what gives the universe life and it is therefore eternal, yet it penetrates our world even to the extent of creating the time-acceleration cycles characterized by the World Tree. I do not think I would know this if I didn’t personally experience this force. Often I feel divine energy during cosmic creations, such as meteors, comets, asteroids, planetary synchronicities, and even earthquakes. For me, these creative expressions have no connection with the angry and punishing Judeo-Christian God, who is nothing more than a projection of unprocessed and dualistic human emotions, making the human ego into a deity. Since I feel these divine forces so strongly, sometimes I wonder if agnostics, atheists, and Judeo-Christian fundamentalists have any feeling or excitement in their hearts? Our attainment of Unity Consciousness this year has to be birthed in the heart, so I express great alarm when I see that two comets gracing our skies during 2011 are being used to instill fear, as well as to make a buck.

Let’s lighten up and focus on astrology. Jupiter is lolling along in 5 Taurus feeling wonderful in a tight trine to Pluto in 6 Capricorn. This strong and earthy trine supports our personal and collective endeavors; it cheers us when we experience travail, which is the case with so many people right now. As I observe the floods in Minot, South Dakota, the bravery and trust of the people reaches into my heart. But, let us not miss the fact that these floods were gravely worsened by flood control projects the Army Corps of Engineers inflicted on the area years ago. In so many cases, the expected travails caused by nature are increased by man’s interference, as we saw for example in Japan. Now during the Universal, nature is throwing off these shackles on her systems.

Jupiter also sextiles Chiron-conjunct-Neptune in Pisces, which offers strong spiritual support for those who are stressed personally by nature’s release. I can feel this strength in some of the stories coming forth from people in Minot, and I feel like most of us will be part of this process this year. Jupiter sextiling the New Moon strengthens the power of the grand square, which is galvanizing new systems as old paths literally go underwater. The Cancer New Moon in this formative grand square will inspire a great heart opening in the flooded region. Previously I have noted that a crisis over nuclear power will build and build during the Universal-and as soon Day Four opened, two nuclear plants in Nebraska are in danger due to flooding; a huge fire threatens Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the Bomb was developed and where fissionable material are stored; and ABC News announced (on June 27) that three-quarters of US nuclear plants have had Tritium leaks in the past, a condition that continues to worsen. The midpoint of the Universal is July 3-4, when many will feel gratefulness for any security and nurturance they have; people will be thankful for the support of their families, friends, and communities. This eclipse activates the midpoint of the Universal, which will disseminate great heart openings that will inspire our true values, spirit, and courage. This energy could even turn the US away from playing empire, so that the country and the people can be valued as citizens again.

Mars in 7 Gemini, trining Saturn in 11 Libra, drives us to speak our truth and to seek justice and harmony: “Get off the suffering cross and take effective action in the world.” Mars closely quincunxes Pluto in 6 Capricorn, a fascinating and formative influence. This uneasy alliance favors facile and quickened mental powers for separating out the complex elements of the old world that must pass away. It expresses the trying to figure out, the moment when we really see the light. This could be a really bad month for fundamentalist preachers because so many people have heard their rants just one too many times. If you’ve lost your home in Minot, are you waiting for the apocalypse? How are you feeling right now if you live near a nuclear power plant? In other words, an odd thing is going on that I sure would never have predicted: Now that so many people are experiencing their own personal apocalypses, waiting for the end isn’t exciting any more, since it’s already here. With new perspectives beyond the ego-based National Underworld religions, many people have quietly developed a new relationship with Christ as the divine immanent in nature. When you have a direct and nurturing relationship with the grace of a divine human fully incarnate in nature, the old dogma feels obscene, sticky, and controlling. In other worlds, many believe in miracles and divine teachers, they just don’t need religion and prophets any more.

Of course, Venus is so important now because we have such a need for support and love. Well, our beautiful goddess is right on the Galactic Center at 27 Gemini, and the Galactic Center conjunct Venus is right on the ascendant for Washington, DC, while they all trineNeptune in Pisces at the mid-heaven. And, the lunar South Node in Gemini (bringing us wisdom from the ancient spirituality) is just above the Washington, DC, ascendant. The feminine elements in our world are crying out for respect, power, guidance, and freedom. When the solar light is eclipsed, the Moon in Cancer implants new feminine light, so this odd and potent Gemini configuration on the rising suggests something very significant and noticeable is going to happen in Washington this month. I imagine something like Congress finally listening to the mayors of US cities who have called for an end to the wars so they can get some resources to rebuild their communities. People are losing patience with building roads and bridges in Iraq and Afghanistan when they can’t get across town anymore. Lastly, Mercury in 29 Cancer trines Uranus in 5 Aries, so the lower and higher mind are in good aspect; inspiration is flowing during the peak of the Universal!


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