If you recall, I said the results of the election would likely not become clear until Mars turns to go Direct, at 15°14 Aries, exact at 7:36 PM EST, on the evening of November 13th — (I had stated November 14th earlier, as per my ephemeris, but that was before I discovered the exact moment when Mars turns (assuming my astro program is accurate)).
What I did not notice, until now, was that Mars turning to go direct is sandwiched between two other significant astro events!
First, on November 12, Jupiter makes an exact conjunction to Pluto, this time at 22°52, for the third and final time in the ongoing, constantly shifting back and forth triply macabre? glorious? late Capricorn 2020 dance among Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.
Finally, to cap off this important series of events, wouldn’t ya know! . . . New Moon! New Beginning! This time in death and rebirth Scorpio, only eight seconds into the third date, November 15. Therefore I would bet that this three day span between November 12 and 15, is when the Democrat driven, kleptomaniacal election morass will finally clear up.
Note that that this excruciating three day process will begin with the Moon in Libra, and the Sun already at 20° Scorpio, closely and harmoniously sextiling (60° aspect) the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction. The next day, when Mars turns to go direct, the Sun will EXACTLY sextile Pluto. And on the 15th, when the New Moon finally begins a brand new lunar cycle, the Sun/Moon conjunction at 23° 18 Scorpio will EXACTLY sextile Jupiter.
Now just who would that be?
More divine choreography at work?
P.S. Listened to a wonderful discussion last night, between Sacha Stone and David Avocado Wolfe, during which the word “philanthrokleptoplutocracy” was invented. Perfect description of one aspect of the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto stellium! The “philanthro” part describes one quality of Jupiter, which is naturally generous and fruitful, but those NGOs can and have been used as agents of the Deep State; klepto, I’d say, here, refers to the tendency of Saturn, when skewed, to NOT follow agreed upon rules; and of course plutocracy refers to our old friend Pluto, agent of the deep dark unconscious, where all sorts of horrific goings on have been buried in muck for years, and are now, finally, in 2020, surging to the surface — including, as we are finding out in glaring detail during this half of November 2020, MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD.