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Astrological notes on the 2017 Inauguration

So what about tomorrow? Well, there’s one three-planet signature in the inauguration chart that utterly dominates.

Expansive Jupiter in the diplomatic sign of Libra (seeking “deals”!) opposes wild card unpredictable, revolutionary Uranus in the sign of Aries, new beginnings. These two planets create a right-angled triangle with primal Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in the sign of traditional, structural Capricorn from 2008 through 2023. These three planets will be within orb of their frictional triangle through March, and then again August/September of 2017. However, the second time they meet, their interaction with Pluto will not be as strong. Might this mean that by that time the forces of resistance to change will have ebbed?

One “hopeful” indication to help tame the Plutonian struggle implied by the immensely fiery, revolutionary energies invoked here: Disciplined, focused Saturn, in the philosophical sign of Sagittarius, during most of this year happens to sit sextile and trine the Jupiter/Uranus opposition, thus helping to harmonize its decidedly fractious, unpredictable energies. Some kind of philosophical vision may be invoked during this time, to make sense of proposed programs.

That this is the configuration under which the 2017 inauguration takes place is indeed an “augur” for the coming four years.

Looking at Trump’s chart and comparing it to the chart of the U.S.A., , I find it uncanny that the U.S. Moon, at 27° Aquarius, sits nearly exactly conjunct the Descendant and Mars directly across from Trump’s Leo Ascendant. The moon in a public chart signifies “the people.” And yes, the people were and are decidedly aroused by this man’s martial spirit, his nearly impregnable sense of his own historic destiny as one who will lead us to the promised land of “greatness.”

What kind of greatness? Well, to say “make America great again” is to argue that it was great once, and can return to that exalted status. But of course time moves on; sooner or later and probably sooner, he will have to come to terms with revisiting what “greatness” would mean in the 21st century. For this, I do hope he has Saturn advisors who actually do see this nation in a context which includes the rest of the world and our Mother Earth herself without needing to dominate.

Also, in his chart, his Sun/Uranus are almost exactly conjunct the Mars of the U.S. chart. So, if Trump just acts in terms of his own impulsive Sun/Uranus combined with that Mars/Ascendant, then we will be in a war before we know it and history will come to an abrupt fiery end. But Trump is not stupid. He knows how to marshall Mars energy to do work. Which is what he wants, to put America back to work. To harness the inventive, entreprenurial spirit signified by this nation’s 7th house Mars/Uranus in Gemini as we move into the future — beyond the destructive aims of more and more diabolical weaponry that has captured technological research for the past 60 years.

Trump’s own work ethic is legendary. Even in college, he would go home on weekends to work with his Dad in the family business rather than stay at school and participate in party life.

So that’s a bit on tomorrow. May we all live through this day! May we all pull together and help Donald Trump learn what he needs to learn to lend his courageous immensity to the enormous challenges ahead.




3 thoughts on “Astrological notes on the 2017 Inauguration”

  1. Thanks Ann for sharing these political astrological tidbits. Greatly appreciated!It’s fascinating to see what buttons are getting pushed and by which planets. May we make it safely through tomorrow….It’s sad how well trained we are to expect the worst. Hopefully that all changes now…Thanks again. Happy weekend…VK

  2. This is my take-away from your words today: “….he will have to come to terms with revisiting what “greatness” would mean in the 21st century. For this, I do hope he has Saturn advisors who actually do see this nation in a context which includes the rest of the world and our Mother Earth herself without needing to dominate.” After watching the inauguration, I decide to select an angel card with the intention it would relate to today and the days to come. The card I chose was Harmony. Let us hope.

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